Request for bazaar: more Zingaran build items, plus red and yellow Siptah trees

THANK YOU SO MUCH for the Zingaran Vineyard, and the couple of pieces we got in the last battle pass.

Could you please make more? Like turn it into a full set? I love the Zingaran Vineyard wall. It would look great with some stucco walls, stained glass windows, and other elements.

With all the Poitain Jousting and tavern stuff, we could really use a build set that fits those themes. A bar wench outfit is also an overlooked opportunity for the tavern system. The Innkeeper’s chest and Kambujhan skirt almost work, but not quite.

As always, I’d also love to see more trees and plants! (I would pay $$$$$ to have the red and yellow trees from the western river on Siptah as placeable items in the Exiled lands.) My lemon and cypress trees need friends. :heart::heart::heart:

You guys are doing great work, and I appreciate so much the time and dedication you still put into Conan! The Living Settlements system is awesome!

If you can work any of these other ideas into your schedule for the game, I would buy it all!

Thanks, and have a great New Year!

Praise Zath!


i got a better one,

please remove the biggest bugs from the game, and remove the settlement system as it is now.


then we can talk about them adding trees that can potentially bug out the server lol!


hahaha… dude chill

well i dont like your suggestion, are you ok with people having a diffeent opinion?

there is no need to attack me on a personal level , i am not attacking you, so please if you want respect show respect…

bugs happen?

you must be new to conan exiles !


i asked for something i thought would be more appreciated, this is a discussion forum, you will find people who disagree with your request, if you cant handle it, better just send your suggestions to funcom directly.

i certainly believe there are more important things for funcom to work on than bazaar. (which they will still pumping because they are a business. and they love to milk the cow. (as any other business)

you see this is openly hostile, i am not being hostile with you, so again i respectfully ask you to calm down.
but to respond to your question, because i want to. and none of your business, * i could go far more hostile but i rather not. we are both players of the same game.

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i wish they soon gonna have a building set to khitan.

agree on the settlement is nice and i hope to see much more features to the settlement in chapter 2 :smiley:

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They have actually said in one of the developer streams that they hope to expand on all the DLC sets, so you may get your wish!

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yearh i hope i have waitet for so long to get a extra set to that dlc :smiley:

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Hmm, they’d better remove the bazaar completely and replace it with a themed store with everything categorized like Pictish, Yamatai, Ancient Acheron, etc.

The idea of a bazaar using a rather primitive manipulative manner would more or less suit games in their heyday, but Conan Exiles is, let’s be honest, in its sunset. There are few players, the official servers are nearly empty, and the non-official ones use mods that replace a lot of the stuff from the bazaar with free analogs.

I highly doubt that there are many players who will log into the game for half a year, a year, just to wait in the bazaar for the themed set they need. Most likely, most just get frustrated because they can’t buy what they need right now and leave the game after a while, at best for another 1-2 years, at worst forever.

A theme store, on the other hand, would keep players (especially on official servers) and, given the realities of the current state of the game, would bring Funcom more profit than this bazaar roulette. Because when you have the opportunity to buy everything you need at once, it’s a great motivator to buy it in bulk, build it, be satisfied, and eventually come back after a while. Maybe to try something new (by buying it).


what you saying they just need to add a catalog and they dont need to remove the bazaar

im on with a catalog in the bazaar to the old things and have new things on the bazaar rotaions

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No, I’m specifically meaning a themed store. With EVERYTHING in the bazaar, arranged by categories.

The marketing trick with discounts of the day/week is quite possible to keep. Like today that set from that bundle is discounted (but the bundle itself is not). It is better, of course, if the bundles will have less “toothy” price tags, just like now.

However, I’m not sure it makes much sense to discuss this. I don’t know if any of the decision-makers are reading this, or at least those who can bring suggestions to the decision-makers. So… Well, anyway.

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The way SWTOR has their market set up, they have “flash sales” that rotate, but everything else is available at full price. That would be nice for the bazaar, since there are so many items available. Idk how hard it would be to set that up, or how profitable it would be, though.

The problem is the number of people who already scream like little children any time someone even mentions the bazaar as anything other than an evil thing.

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There are daily Reddit posts with the bazaar offerings, so that no one has to log into the game unless/until they want something.

I’ll put it this way, a few days ago I had the desire to play on a new server a certain character concept: a Pictish barbaress, dressed in a Pictish dancer sexy outfit, living in a Pictish hut, with Pictish decor, hunting exclusively with animals as companions… But here’s the problem. I didn’t collect Pictish stuff (I collected Acheron stuff for my current fully corrupted witch). Can I play as I want, here and now, by buying the max coin pack for the bazaar? I’m ready to pay for it… No, I WANT to pay for it.

Nooo, the game tells me, put your money away and get out of here. Collect what you need for months (at best), and maybe then, you can play like you want to. But there’s a problem here, too. This is the desire I have right now. Maybe it stays for another week. Months from now, I’ll most certainly be playing another game, and the current desire will be gone. And Funcom won’t make any money from it. So… a fiery salute to their marketing department, I guess.

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This one agrees that the Zingaran set needs more love.

The stonework is so lovely, matching doors frames, windows, especially fences and fence foundations would be so very nice. Wedges and wedge foundations as well, or the rounded ones we have seen in some recent sets.

This one personally would prefer if already existing in game assets were not made a thing sold on the Bazaar. It would be excellent if they were craftable (birch and maple trees are lovely), but the Bazaar, in this one’s opinion, should be reserved for newly created assets.
Regardless, more forestry and planting options would add a lot to the blocks we build with. How about Peach and Cherry trees? This one was surprised none of the recent Yamatai offerings had a Sakura Blossom tree.


Sakura trees would be sooooo nice! They’d even take up about the same amount of space as the corrupted trees, so you could swap between them seasonally.


I completely agree with you. The Zingaran Vineyard pieces were such a beautiful addition, and having a full set would take it to the next level. Stucco walls and stained glass windows would add so much charm and give even more options for creative builds.

The idea of expanding the tavern theme is fantastic. A bar wench outfit or more authentic decor would fit perfectly with the Poitain Jousting and tavern vibe. And yes, more trees and plants would be incredible. The red and yellow trees from Siptah would look stunning in the Exiled Lands. I would love to see those as placeable items too.

It is amazing to see how much effort the devs continue to put into the game. Hopefully, some of these ideas can make their way into future updates.


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