I like your idea, and want to further elaborate on it.
The game as is, is fantastic. They fixed most of the stability issues and for the most part, Conan exiles is a fun digital sand box.
It is missing some polishing though, and not of the visual sort, more of the quantity part. The quality is there (mostly).
Please Funcom, make a single, big, QoL/Decor/item update alongside, or before you try to add mounts or other big, fundamental changes.
Some changes that I would appreciate.
Customization of the GUI -
- Scaleable GUI
- Chat Box Customization/Tabs/Placement
- Text Blurbs - Options to minimize, condense, or outright remove mouse-over blurbs. I don’t need a big red box to remind me I am looking at a tannery for the 1,000,000th time.
- Further improvements (options) to the GUI - Additions such as opacity options.
Items - Add more, of all kinds
- Add Legendary Armor from world bosses
- Add additional armor slots (trinkets/satchels/belts/bags)
- Example: Canvas Sac, slung over shoulder, increases carry capacity, limits weapon slots to tools.
- Example: Larger Water Bota Bag
- Much more decor, of every type, of every variety, a lot of it. New varieties. Go over board!
Quests - Add them please. Journeys just don’t cut it, it’s a basic part of most modern games, please implement a RNG … “collect” this, or “hunt” that. for “whoever”, turn it in for gold coins of XP.
Shops - You started with the most basic of shops, I would like this to be further improved beyond a single item sold by a single NPC. Set up a shopkeeper, give them random inventories, items sell for gold and silver coins. That’s it.
Water Mobs - Add them, cause I wanna get eaten in the water.
And of course…
Please add mounts and anything else that might interest you.