Request for bazaar: more Zingaran build items, plus red and yellow Siptah trees

I’ll put it this way, a few days ago I had the desire to play on a new server a certain character concept: a Pictish barbaress, dressed in a Pictish dancer sexy outfit, living in a Pictish hut, with Pictish decor, hunting exclusively with animals as companions… But here’s the problem. I didn’t collect Pictish stuff (I collected Acheron stuff for my current fully corrupted witch). Can I play as I want, here and now, by buying the max coin pack for the bazaar? I’m ready to pay for it… No, I WANT to pay for it.

Nooo, the game tells me, put your money away and get out of here. Collect what you need for months (at best), and maybe then, you can play like you want to. But there’s a problem here, too. This is the desire I have right now. Maybe it stays for another week. Months from now, I’ll most certainly be playing another game, and the current desire will be gone. And Funcom won’t make any money from it. So… a fiery salute to their marketing department, I guess.

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