Basically the title, i feel like keeping full stamina wile corrupt will open up a lot more build possibilities. As mainly a pvp player losing the majority of your stamina pretty much removes it as a possibility for pvp. since you wont be able to run away, chase targets or even dodge as much as the average person
Losing hp is workable, not being able to dodge or chase wont be
I havnt seen anything like it pop up when im on, just figured id put the suggestion out there. Mostly because i had a build plan until i saw that some weapons at half stam cant even finish a combo and roll
maybe make lotus potions like red or purple or whatever remove some corruption so this buffs are relevant again! including warpaint!
that their either remove corruption or let you recover some of the stamina you lost!
Sorcerers can’t even lightly jog around currently it’s that bad. You get one attack combo tops before you run dry on stamina which is really counterintuitive since two of the three corrupted stats are built around you being in direct combat
TBH this was a concern of mine beforehand and the reasoning I asked for defensive type spells in my sorcery post ages ago. If you’re going to be exhausted and unable to take action more often, then some form of mitigation should implemented to offset (but not completely negate) the downtime.
Either implement a corrupted grit line that focuses on lowering stamina costs, or implement defensive spells with enhancements to stamina efficiency (Serpentine Reflexes - Dodging costs 1/4 stamina for 15 minutes or Strength of the Rhino - Blocking or holding a block uses no stamina for 15 minutes)
And no, I’m not married to those timers, those spells could last for 1 hour for all I care.
Prima facie, this one wholeheartedly support that being tainted by the dark should leave one a twisted, and in many ways, lesser person.
Wizards all get asthma issues with their first spell book.
However, an excellent counter argument is made that many corrupted stats seem all about being in the mess. Counter intuitive? Or is it to support a very specific style that hinges on being a burst damage dealer surrounded by monsters who do the consistent fighting?
Either way, rather than leaving stamina intact for all the twisted nuggets wallowing in their own existential filth, Corrupted Grit may be a way to go for making one warped into a monstrosity rather than warped into a pile of organ failure held together purely by spite and dark magics.
Alot of good ideas here, they could always do the easiest thing and remove stam corruption or lessen it, or make a perk somewhere that helps corrupted stam consumption, maybe work on a more advanted setup at alater date
I don’t understand the problem. No stamina? No problem. Bring 3-4 zombies with you and let them do the fighting. Can’t jog around? Get on a horse. Pretty sure your own lack of stamina doesn’t diminish your horses stamina. So, ride a horse and let your Zombie horde do the killing for you. Problem solved.
This one wishes it was a modern problem that people see abysmal flesh and think, that’s what’s for dinner! Or powder of corruption and the only hesitation is whether to snort it or freebase it…
Unfortunately, so long as we have had sewers, we have had people hunting in them… and worse…
May your health problems pass swiftly along with the befouled foodstuffs that caused them. And may the latter egress not through the portal it entered through.
Modern cleansing brew involves charcoal if you’re wondering…
I knew this was going to be one of those paradoxes that would affect the update. Sorcery being brand new is going to be something everyone will want to try and do. The paradox is obviously you don’t want every exile to be an active sorcerer and the abilities are definitely slated towards groups of players having only 1 or 2 sorcerers in their group to support what they are doing.
So what is going to happen is many are going to try sorcery. Some aren’t, and will slice up anyone who does who isn’t supported by a group. This is going to lead to a ton of complaints and frustration.
But it is how it needs to be. There should be a choice between becoming a sorcerer and not. There has to be a benefit to NOT being a sorcerer. And that is stamina and health.
Health would be satisfactory without making anyone who wants to make use of it depend on everyone else or select circumstances to have an edge, i personally wont be running it if i cant attack and roll, and most fights end up in someone running until you catch them to finish them… it seems to being more rock paper scissors than skill based, atleast as far as sorcery is concerned
If I had to choose one or the other, it would be stamina. It will effectively limit sorcerers to who they are intended to be. People crazy enough to try it.