Returning player looking for a server

Looking for a server that has good rates but not crazy rates, stuff fron siptah availabale and the option of pvp or pvp specific zones. But NOT looking to RP ill be bringing 1 or 2 friends with me. Im a returning player. Left during age of war chapter 1. Discord username is the same as on here

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Se encontrar um servidor assim me avise, acredito que o bug na hora de verificar a quantidade de jogadores esteja prejudicando os servidores privados.

Xbox official servers are mostly dead and it is hidden since they did an update that hid player counts so you cannot tell. It had a lot of untapped potential but not meant to be it seems.

There has been a decent population boom in a few PVEC servers lately

It’s almost like if people didn’t kill everyone in their sleep and use exploits to take their kits, more people would stick around. PVE-C could be a great thing but the bad apples just send most players packing back to PVE. :ok_hand::woman_shrugging:

El Parthau is right. The Xbox PVE-C servers have tanked since last year’s introduction of the ? bug on player count on servers. Test it yourselves. 2880 was a top server before this dumpster fire. Log in, Xbox users, and see it for yourselves. Update us here with the player count whenever you check. This problem, which appears to be de-prioritized, is the chief killer of player density. I’m checking now and it’s 9 players. And if you chime in and say “hey, that’s enough” then you obviously don’t know what sustains the PVE-C culture.

I have been playing PVE-C for literally years.

I played in 2880 (and all other US PVE-C) for years. I’d bounce around for a stint in PVP here and there but always came back to conflict.

Let’s talk about what sustains versus kills PVE-C culture shall we?

PVE-C players fit into one of two categories.

:red_circle:The PVP-Cers (the ones who fight, and would play PVP if they had the time to commit to babysitting their base every single day)

:green_circle:The PVEers who don’t, can’t, and refuse to fight, and just came to build because they have grid square sized castles on all the PVE servers already.

The PVP-Cers are basically in a constant search for others like them to fight. From time to time they will have little spats but often one of them will recruit and outnumber the other, “wipe” them (which means they take a few kits) and then the other clan doesn’t log on for a week, the winning clan gets bored and moves on.

The CANCER in a PVE-C server (2880 specifically applies here) is the bored cowards and exploiters. They use every exploit in the game to kill sleeping players, and loot them also using exploits. They use alt accounts to purge bases. They hoard decays. They attack solo players 5 V 1 and chicken-emote victory, congratulating themselves on being masters of Conan because the solo hid in their base instead of trying to take them.

You wanna talk about what kills PVE-C? I’m in every server. Groups of actual PVPers come in and scrap a little, and it’s great, generally fair fights for a few days. Healthy beef here and there is great for PVP. Servers exist where there ISN’T a toxic clan, and the population is pretty decent.

But not enough people FIGHT.

You need players new to fighting to have a chance in hell to learn, and they don’t when they’re being killed and kitted in their sleep, purged with alt accounts, harassed by five players outside their base, etc.

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