Riddle Of Steel DLC. Where Is The Rest Of It..?

You havent understand wat the problem is right?
What I want is honesty from devs. In next season pass give info that it would not include ALL planned DLC’s
But dont say you can buy a Season Pass… because its only a Dlc pack.


I’m sorry but “Year Two Season Pass” explicitly implies that you will be getting the DLC for “Year Two”.

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They said it would include 4 DLC packs. I’ve known that since it was available for the PC. I’ve know that you would save about $10 USD if you purchased the season pass as opposed to buying each DLC separately. I also know the season pass was delayed on xbox, so I made the decision to forego the savings and just buy the Treasures DLC.

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They have mentioned a couple of times now that they have not forgotten about our Armour Display Racks/Manequinns, and they are right near the top of a list of considered suggestions. However, nothing definate has been annonced yet, well not that I am aware of. Heres hoping we get them.


that would be so dope. hope it drops some time in the future.


Which is what “they” list as year 2 DLC, which doesn’t list Riddle of Steel as part of it. They Listed(rrr mention 4) but havnt announced what they are, which lets them op out certain ones.

Its vague statement sure, but if every season pass worked that way, everyone would be sueing every game company for all minor dlc that get added (and aren’t part of it)

This is the first time I’ve seen this oxymoron being used in text.

The Season Pass explicitly states what it contains. It implies nothing, and it doesn’t state what it doesn’t include. Sure, a disclaimer saying that if the company comes up with other content, it won’t be included, would probably not hurt.

Except those people whose feelings are hurt by the fact that a “Season pass” (which, as far as I know, has no legal definition) doesn’t contain everything released within that season.


They have never say in there description that you only get this 4 Dlcs but not other Dlcs they gonna release in the same Season.
Because nobody will buy a Season Pass when it dont include all the Dlcs from the Season.
It was a Bait so easy.
Why they dont called it 2 Years Dlc Pack? no they use Season Pass exactly because of this they wana hidde infos for better selling rates.
To defend this practice won’t bring anything good.
Funcom will lose alot of costumers and trust you can go read in the Steam Forums its not a little thing.


I’m afraid you’re right. People who are upset by this are not going to listen, and people who are not upset are already not upset.

Seriously, I understand why this practice annoys people. It’s probably more annoying because people make assumptions based on the fact that the discount package is called a “Season pass”, and deep down they know making those assumptions is their own fault but they’d rather blame someone else for that mistake.


Right its my fault when someone hiddes infos from me :face_vomiting:

This is, verbatim, what the Season Pass promises to contain:

Enhance your Conan Exiles experience with the Year 2 Season Pass!

The Season Pass includes the following core DLCs:

Treasures of Turan Pack (out now)
Riders of Hyboria Pack
Blood and Sand Pack
Mysteries of Acheron Pack

The Season Pass contains four core DLCs! The first of these is the Treasures of Turan Pack, which offers the most ostentatious gear and building pieces in Conan Exiles yet! Three more core DLCs will follow in 2019.

Each DLC will contain tons of new and exclusive content and visuals for the game. You will be able to enjoy unique building pieces, weapons, armors, placeables and much more.

You save 25% by purchasing the Season Pass instead of buying all four DLCs individually. All four DLCs which are part of this Season Pass will be accessible in-game once they are available.


Did it say you dont get other Dlcs that they are gona release ?
Did they say its only a 4 Dlc pack not an Season Pass?
Why they dont called it like in first year bundle? why not 2 years dlc pack? because they wana use the word Season pass as a bait you know that.

Of course it doesn’t have a strict legal definition (I don’t even think season does), and I personally don’t think it’s “A HUGE DEAL OMG” but I also don’t think it’s fair to belittle those who understood a “season pass” to include whatever was released in that season. It’s not unreasonable, and knee-jerk defensiveness doesn’t really make us look good.

I am not saying it’s a huge conspiracy or anything of the sort, or that Funcom are evil, but when you use a term like “season pass”, you do send a certain message, and everyone knows no-one reads the small print. Okay, I have now made my point, and shall stay out of this discussion, I just urge everyone to try and see “the other side” of the argument.


It said ‘core’ DLC, maybe Riddle of Steel is not considered a ‘core’ DLC?


It’s not “small print”, it’s the list of contents. It’s the consumer’s responsibility to check out that much. Sure, no-one reads EULAs, but if you buy a printer, you should at least check whether it includes the USB cable.


Aaannd back on the subject of content, may I be so bold as to also suggest…

Valeria’s Sword

Subotai’s Bow

Oh and did I mention Thorgrim’s Warhammer?


And why there is no definition then of core ?
Only an excuse …

Unarmed cimbat should have been a thing. The animations are sweet for unarmed combat. We need Cestus weapons. That would be pretty fun.

Please sir, could I have more

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This dlc would be better if the entire armor set is included not just a helm that cant be dyed it doesn’t fit to any armor

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