This weekend has been an especially bloody one on PVP servers. Lots of unexpected destruction and mayhem, all thanks to an under reported bug. While some people having lives outside of the game might have been wiped for not being online to defend, some clans were wiped for reasons they might not have known was coming.
Whenever a server mysteriously crashes or even goes down for regular every day restarts, bubbles across the map randomly don’t come back up after restart. What this means is, a lot of tribes unaware of this deadly bug were surprised wiped this weekend.
Some knew bubbles were going down after restart, and worked hard to keep their bubbles up everyday. Some even knew it was cheaper to farm brimstone and steel for a certain altar. But for many tribes who found their servers randomly crashing they were unprepared or unaware of the chaos that would follow.
Imagine the horror of finding your bubble randomly down and out of no where hearing the impending god music of doom. To go from trash talking your tired enemies you’ve fought for months and whittled down to a few, to being wiped by them unexpectedly in a surprise turn of fate. Though it was satisfying for many to see their enemies bases burn, RIP to all the tribes wiped this weekend through no fault of your own.
If you’re one of the many wiped this weekend due to your bubble being randomly down, take solace in knowing it was most likely outside of your control and you now have free time to go do other things or even start fresh on other servers.
Not my achievements, but others. This post is a eulogy to those wiped this weekend due to bubbles being dropped. Those of us who took advantage of the opportunity granted by the gods now have an entirely different issue of figuring out what to do with now low pop/peaceful servers. With our enemies all wiped, shall we start over on another server? Keep playing on a peacefull/quiet server or just green wall it all?
Some tribes really played this game like it was their career in life. They would spend way too much time keeping bubbles up and extra defenses on hand. They had a sense of control in that they always had their bubbles and spare bases. But when those bubbles went down unexpectedly . . . RIP
I just hope we don’t wind up losing a lot of players over this weekend.
So if I was raiding someone and magically my whole clan is kicked while I’m in their base and it happens again 20 minutes later at my base defending which I still defended wasn’t someone hacking and how do u keep it from doing it again because they were not kicked out and looted me before I got back
Throwing around the term “hacking” is sort of like the modern day equivalent of accusing someone of sorcery/witchcraft.
I suppose its possible someone could acquire the IPs of everyone in your clan (ps4 clients leak IPs in certain udp traffic during sessions for example) and knock them offline some way
or DDOS the server and cause it to crash, or even find an in game exploit that causes the server to crash,
but how many people are actually going to sit there and do that and in real time? How many players out there have access to a botnet or booter services? Without a confession or correlating evidence of DDOS traffic from the hosting provider, server logs, player activity etc its hard to say. More likely than not the servers are unstable after the recent patch. I’ve seen several servers randomly restart/crash since last patch. So unless there’s some new easy way to crash servers at will in game I think it’s just instability in the game server itself.
The end-user transparency on the PS is useful farther up the chain, so a lot of players will get kicked in the interim. Sometimes it’s a hard-kick, where you need to start your PS back up, and then you have to go through the intro movie. It’s kind of a double-edged sword until a durable solution is achieved. I’m being purposefully vague, but it’s not sharing insider secrets to know our PC experience is moderated by a cloud service to largely preclude DDOS.
Denials do happen. As a cross-player from EA I have seen a few on the PC too. If you comm with your regular server players tell them to build good bases like you.