hey hey
I’ve made an update to my planet map, Saavick’s Map of Rubi-Ka.
Compared to the previous version, the following things are new:
- Added a missing criminal camp in Varmint Woods.
- Added a missing ferry terminal in Coast of Peace.
- Added a missing fixer grid exit in 4 Holes.
- Added a label for the crash site west of Last Ditch.
- Added a label for the dig site near the City of Home.
- Added a label for the meteor impact crater in Coast of Peace.
- Added a label for the mine west of the Newland Lake.
- Added a label for the rock shrine in Upper Stret East Bank.
- Added a little ‘B’ marker for the various bars and nightclubs.
- Added ferry routes on layer 2.
- Added two bridges over the canyon in Perpetual Wastelands.
- Improved accuracy of Joe Two-Fingers location D marker.
- Corrected spelling on Argentum in 4 Holes.
- Removed a cabin in Broken Shores that no longer exists.
If you currently use the version that comes pre-installed with the game (2.0) rather than the previous (3.1), the following things are also new (click to expand):
Full changes since version 2.0
- Added a 5th and 6th zoom level for high resolution screens.
- Added a separate selectable map with 2x size.
This one includes a double sized whom-pah map. - Added locations to collect Carbonrich rocks on layer 4.
- Added missing criminal camp in Varmint Woods.
- Added missing dynaboss in Aegean.
- Added missing label for tower field 10 in Avalon.
- Added missing portal to Inner Sanctum outside Rome Blue.
- Added missing store in Stolt’s Trading Outpost.
- Added monster info for the Condemned Subway.
- Added monster info for the Foreman’s Office.
- Added monster info for the Crash Site daily mission in Milky Way.
- Added monster info for the Nomad Camp daily mission in Wailing Wastes.
- Added monster info for the Slum Town daily mission in Clondyke.
- Added Omni-Pol Secretary Lambeer in Omni-1 Entertainment.
- Added Powa in Greater Tir County.
- Added the Observer in the Reck.
- Added the Re-Incarnator and the new hidden rooms in Inner Sanctum.
- Added the shuttle to ICC HQ near the Temple of Three Winds.
- Corrected highlighting issue in the Crypt of Home map.
- Corrected positions of drill sergeants Estare and Weston.
- Corrected spelling on drill sergeant Nortin.
- Corrected spelling on Omni-Pol Barracks.
- Corrected spelling on Jon Solare.
- Improved accuracy of character tracking in Belial Forest.
- Improved accuracy of character tracking in Milky Way.
- Improved accuracy of Cenobite Shadow markers.
- Improved accuracy of Dangerous Prisoner marker.
- Improved accuracy of Deadly Prisoner marker.
- Improved accuracy of Hellion Imp markers.
- Improved accuracy of Jack “Leg-chopper” Clone #2 marker.
- Improved accuracy of several dyna boss markers.
- Improved accuracy of the Wartorn Valley - Aegean zone border.
- Improved whom-pah map contrast.
- Improved whom-pah map labels.
- Updated colours for Factory labels in the Reck to indicate presence of guards.
- Updated Greater Tir County to show removal of city plots.
- Updated several zones to make the terrain more beautiful.
- (Technical) Each map layer is now in a separate file. This reduces
memory usage and prevents out-of-memory crashes some players experience.
You can download the map here. Existing links such as on AO-Universe will automatically point to the latest version as well.
To install the map, extract the contents of the zip file to the following location:
<your AO install directory>\cd_image\textures\PlanetMap\SaavicksMap
Please make sure the directory name is correct, or it won’t work. The directory should already be there, since a previous version of my map comes pre-installed with the game.
In game, open your planet map window and click the little ‘i’ in the top left.
Click Select Map.
Click “Saavick’s Map of Rubi-Ka”.