Same old story on official

I’m not going to go into detail of where the clan was built of what land claim they had. I will say I know them well and they are very aware of the rules and the banning that is happening.

Went to help some buddies wipe a clan they’ve been fighting for a couple weeks. They put up a decent fight but lost. Keep in mind I’m just helping out, haven’t built anything. They message me today and the base is gone just floating thralls and chests remain. Two days after the other clan is fairly beat in combat. It’s a all to common story of official severs. Can’t beat them? Report them. The enemy clan was waiting at the base spawn killing anyone who tried to spawn at their bedroll( if it was still there).
Sad the state of the game.

Two days? I’m sitting at 2 weeks + for a response on my report. Do I need to tip or something?

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I think you tip enough.

I’m glad its funny to you tho

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a clan on my server was also deleted in this way. They were just a duo team and not even the largest building on the map. There are and still are bases that span half of a grid. Makes no sense ya?

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What doesn’t make sense to me is the amount of fellow players in this forum who mock and make jokes about people getting banned with no reasoning behind it. I guess I don’t find it that funny when clans get banned because most of those players won’t come back to the game. Very halthey community we have here


yeah bro the fourm people are die hard, it must of been for a reason people, until they get a random ban for false reporting.

Because there isn’t “no reason behind it”. Something was out of compliance to the rules of building. Even if you were not aware of it. There are so many people who claim they were innocent, only on further pressing reveal that while “I only had one modest base that didn’t cause nothing” they also had a road here or a bridge there, or an entire network of wheel of pains, or their 8 person clan all had individual bases across the map… there’s always something.

And before you make any comments, I was one of those players banned, certain I had done nothing wrong, lost everything, and yeah… it hurts, and I understand your hurt. I also understand the anger, because I was angry too. I was able to hold a level conversation with one of the GMs through Zendesk, however, and they gave me specifics on why I was banned so that I could avoid it in the future.

Seriously, just make sure your base follows the rules. You can get reported all you like and nothing will happen if your base follows the rules.


We’ve all read the rules.
**I think you misunderstood where I was going with that. My point is the option to report people is being abused. People play pvp to fight each other. When one side loses they now have the option to report the other side. It wasn’t my clan and I was on an alt account because this is all to common of a thing. Did they break the rules? It seems that way but it’s the grey area rules in which people are unknowingly breaking. It is what it is players continue to leave the game. I just don’t see how it’s healthy gameplay.

But report doesn’t equal a ban. FC has time and time again said they investigate each case that passes the preliminary review so this isn’t some bureaucrat banning people by blindly trusting a report. They are actively going in there and looking at it to see if it’s an issue. The problem is that what people believe is compliant isn’t. Foundation spamming is STILL going on, to this day. Blocking off world bosses are still going on. Purposely putting foundations in key base spots to block their buildings are still going on. These folks have posted here or on social media claiming they are innocent and have the pictures of their base to prove it…except conveniently it is taken in a way where the clear violation is not in the picture…which proves they knew exactly what they did and for some odd reason feel that they have to gain public support (like that’s going to do anything)

Yes there is grey in the rules because that is the leeway needed to review to see if someone is malicious or not. There is no reg, no law that can be 100% black and white. There has to be leeway for those that are clearly trying to follow the intent of the law. There are some I know the people that got acted on and I don’t believe they did wrong but I’m only hearing one side of it, but it is a side I trust…about as much as I trust the administration of the servers I am playing the game on because if I didn’t trust these administrators, then I wouldn’t be playing on their servers. I do believe they need to be more clear (and blunt) about why they acted which @Venakri report give me hope that this is being listened to. As well as putting in the ToS the false reporting clause because that should feel sting as well.

As far as finding humor in these things…chill. It’s a game. Yeah you spent hours and hours and hours building and fighting and blah blah blah but you know what? It’s PVP and all temporary anyway. The game was never about being built up but about building up. I know sucks…but no one in PVP is innocent here and we all have took someone’s base and destroyed their hard work. Those that get wiped don’t see a significant difference if it was admin or an alpha clan that took their precious base…favorite thrall/pet and prized equipment away. The humor is there because its what we have. I don’t care about your builds or your thralls anymore than you care about mine. What I care about is that time we sparred and you taught me a valuable lesson about stamina management or that time where I got that lesson about holes in my anticlimb for my next build or that time where that one dude came on and what drunk as a skunk but hilarious as we chatted with him till 2 AM.

You see it yet? It’s not the stuff. Focusing on the stuff only leads to disappointment and regret. Its the interactions. It’s the point of every game that has more than one player.


That’s really all you had to say. The rest is essentially hearsay👌

I mean honestly nothing you said brings anything to the table. Just another naysayer when it comes to bans. Games not meant to be built? Tell that to all the pvers in this game. What’s your ideal end goal for pvp? In other words how do you see this game being played out? Since you essentially force your ideas on people of how the game should be played.

Or maybe you need to take a step back and a deep breath. Nothing @erjoh said here was either personal, or an attempt to “force” his own ideas on others. Too many people take other people’s opinions as personal attacks.

This whole thing with “reporting meta” has been a dumpster fire all this time, precisely for the reasons that @erjoh described. The rules are still being broken and most people are still convinced they’re innocent, because they still don’t understand how they’re breaking the rules.

When someone breaks the rules and get suspended or permabanned, they get a canned message about it. If they decide to request more information via Zendesk, they either get ignored or get a canned response that doesn’t actually clarify which rules were broken, when, where, and how.

So people who broke the rules can’t really learn not to break them. And we can’t even figure out when someone really didn’t break the rules and got suspended or permabanned, because of the same lack of transparency.

Pointing out that these things keep happening like that is not “naysaying”.

As for his opinions about how the game should be played, nobody’s forcing anything on anyone. If someone tells you “hey, maybe you’ll be happier if you avoid getting too attached to some virtual stuff in a virtual world”, you’re completely free to ignore that advice :man_shrugging:


Never said that. Just because it can be torn down doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made. I’m inclined to say that because it’s temporary, you should make it have meaning and not just a block of black ice sitting on a pillar.

Friendships made. I have gained 6 friends…good ones at that in PVP. That is the only end goal I have…that and great stories of our times on the servers.

The game needs to be played out in a manner where everyone is having a blast. You can have people on the run, people playing politics, people chasing down others, betrayals, and yes combat and wins and losses…but there has to be fun had by the server. I am a firm believer that alpha clans should be facilitators of this endeavor and accept that responsibility when they take charge of the server.

And no…I’m not forcing you to play anyway. I’m pointing to a healthier way to view the game that is beneficial to you, the community, and the company that provides the game.


One thing that stood out on the server I was on and that people considered me and my clan to be “Alpha” was that we were often complimented for everything you just described. We were considered “fair” and “interesting”.

We’d actually advise new players if something they were doing was breaking ToC, we didn’t impose any kind of “server tax”, we didn’t wipe every damn base at the first foundation. If we lost in a battle, we were humble and congratulated our opponents.

About the only thing we seemed venomous about was if other players were being asshats or if we called out clear issues.

I’m sorry @Hencewhy… I know I don’t need to apologize but completely understand why this is such a huge deal to your friends. Many of my friends and acquaintances have met the same fate.

While there are absolutely still and will continue to be those who refuse to play within the confines of the rules… there are those who did EVERYTHING they could and still got stiffed… and as @CodeMage clarified…

I dunno. I’ve lost interest in playing regularly in a game that punishes its players for its own fabricated obscurity.


Two weeks? I’m sitting at almost 2 months.

However this:

Reads to me like:

They knew the rules but just said F’it, ignored everything, did what they wanted devil may care, and got busted.

My guess although terrible it is, is that only a small fraction are banned unjustly yet while everyone wants to claim that.

Guys this winter my base (official pvp) was deleted (all building blocks) just if front of my eyes, floating thralls and different stuff left around…
so you telling me it was not glitch (some kind of desync from server or decay\stability issue) but a punishment for… what?
base inside the pathway, not blocking anything (not named location), rather small compare to others (1 temple, 1 wheel, 1 aiman pen etc.)…

Did you also get a suspension within the next 48h? If not, then it was probably a glitch and not admin action.

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