Sandstorm are awesome, but

I love the sandstorms. I think they are beautiful to watch. I think it would be great to figure out…

  1. Why do sandstorms affect me, while under water?
  2. Why don’t npcs and animal act appropriate for a devistating wind storm, why do they go on about their daily routine as if nothing has changed in the game, but I get destroyed.
  3. How does only a sandstorm mask protect my whole body, when I should have a full outfit to protect me. I litirally, can stand outside naked with just a sandstorm mask and survive, unscathed.
  4. I can’t think of any these to write… anyone else like to chime in and add to this list?

I would like for the sandstorm to go back to the path it followed a year ago. Hardly any of the map is touched by it now. Aldo, seems a little weird that it now goes into the spawn zone south of newb river.


I agree with everything but want to put some precision about this particular point. What kills during a sandstorm is essentially the suffocation caused by the particles in the air and the drying of the mucous membranes of the mouth, plus the fact that your eyes can suffer serious injuries. Of course there is plenty of way to be hurt during a sandstorm if it lifts objects from the environment, but visually that does not seem to be the case in CE. So it does not surprise me that a filter mask is enough to survive the storm.


Keep protection with mask how it is, we need to be able to breathe

We are barbarians, a sandstorm does n’t injure our thick skins

Point 2 is a technical difficulty I highly doubt they can do this any time soon or in the near future.

In my opinion sandstorms should be in the whole desert but not the noob river, the west dide of the jungle should have a weakened sandstorm

I also think, the buildings should be dinged more for weathering. Of course in a private server with building destruction off, sandstorm is useless… but in building destruction on. If you had repair hammer out, you should be able to notice structure damage. Also, implement brooms in the game, so we may sweep ip n debris and sand. The broom has been around since the dawn of man. So in the Sci’fi, fantasy of 10k B.C. Conan world, we should have brooms… they are survival tools to help keep dust out of our mucus membrane and out of our precious homes. :slight_smile:

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