Serpent Man Throwing Axe

Game mode: [Online | Offical Server 2730]
Problem: Not Showing Up at improved blacksmith table
Performance | Misc]
Region: America

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Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Get Serpent man Recipes
2.Go to Improved Blacksmith Table with t4 thrall
3. Doesn’t show any Serpent man throwing axe
4. Also does not show it was learn in the feats menu

I am also having this issue, On PC however. I cannot see the Serpent-Man Throwing Axe Recipe in my Normal Blacksmith, and nor can I see the Feat being learned. Am I doing something wrong?

Have a Named thrall in the blacksmiths bench, still can’t craft it. Must it be crafted at an Improved blacksmiths bench or am I just the victim of a bug?

I have been to the stele at the top of the well multiple times now, and have learned ALL tiers of the throwing axes and the Shaftmaker Feats in an attempt to fix the issue, but still cannot seem to get the recipe.


When I hit e on the stele to learn the recipes, I am not even seeing the Throwing Axe as one of the things that is learned, which leads me to believe that it would be a bug relating to the giving of the feat.

Please let me know if anyone else is having this issue, as I would like to sort this out as soon as possible.

Hey @ProfaneLizard & @Feglord

Welcome to our community.
Sending note to our team about this so they can look into it.
Thanks for the heads-up.


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