Game mode: Single-player | Co-op
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: North America
Mods?: Yes
Edition: Steam
Bug Description:
when trying to craft advanced throwing knives and javelins, they are not appearing in the Campaign/Garrison Blacksmith benches. Javelins do not appear in any bench (Blacksmith, Improved or Campaign/Garrison)
Installed Mods:
Yes, but I don’t think the mods are impacting this one.
Steps to Reproduce:
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:
Go to any T3 blacksmith bench and search for throwing knives or javelins.
Unable to see them (but can admin spawn them)
Unable to find any but blunted javelin in any blacksmithing bench.
I still don’t see anything named “Star Metal/Obsidian Throwing Knife.” In fact, I see only 1 throwing knife period and its a legendary. Do you mean Throwing Axe perhaps?
I’m unable to confirm the reported bug otherwise. I see the blunted javelin just fine in both benches, along with the Star Metal Throwing Axe. Further, I see nothing in the dev kit to indicate an issue to begin with. Recipes are set up correctly.
Wow, I have egg on my face and feel stupid. I could have sworn I saw those when I tried to play on an official server, but they are definitely some sort of mod now that I’m double checking. Now I need to find out which mod so I can mention it is missing.