I already reported this 3 times, but there still every day server start extremely lagging during pvp-time, situation repeating over a week now, do something please, it’s unplayable.
Good luck, we have the same problem with server #1092
Our server #1060 is under DDoS too but we cant even join.
This is the risk of officials, if you are set on playing on official servers then unfortunately this is just something to live with. Funcom have made it abundantly clear that they have no interest in policing their own servers, The recent thread getting closed that was talking about this very issue confirms they still holding onto this mindset and are not going to let up any time soon.
My recommendation is private, as much as people don’t like hearing that because it doesnt solve the problem, atleast it solves your problem and allows you to be more free from DDOs and hackers. The truth is staying on officials doesnt solve the problem either, only Funcom can solve it, and maybe if all legit players moved to private and nothing was left on officials but hackers trying to out cheat each other then Funcom would finally re-evaluate the need to police official servers.
No point in suffering over and over and blindly expecting things to change when the only people with the power to change things are telling you they don’t want to . You can find tons of private servers that pretty much mimic officials and vanilla 100% and ones that don’t wipe either. So the only thing keeping people on official is the same thing keeping Funcom from cleaning up officials… stubbornness
Yeah agree, probably will start looking for new server with admins, thanks for advice! if I only knew what a mess this official servers are…
To report players, clans or exploits please send a DM to either me or @Hugo with enough evidence so it can be relayed to our team.
Doing so publicly in the forums goes against our community guidelines.
Regarding this situation, our team is working on some backend tools that will be deployed over time on conflictive servers to mitigate issues such as this one.