Server deletes some Chests without reason

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: others
Game Mode: online official
Server Type: PVE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Official server #1011 PvE
Mods: /

Bug Description:

Chests in the middle of my base do not reset the expiration timer, while everything around them does get its timer reset correctly, including other chests right next to them.

Bug Reproduction:

I noticed by chance that one of three chests standing next to each other had disappeared and then I noticed that the expiration timer was not reset for some but not all chests in my base. One was lost and I noticed it for two others. The timer did not reset there either, even if I used the chest or moved it, etc. (see screens).
The affected chests are on shelves together with others that are apparently not affected. The LOG also shows that the missing chest has “expired” even though it was right next to two others in the middle of the base.
Shelves apparently do not correctly reset the expiration of objects standing on them.

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This is the rather old placeable on placeable bug. In this case, chest on a shelf.

Doesn’t only happen to chests, but can happen to any placeable on top of another placeable.

It is very inconsistent to what placeables get affected. You can have placeables that were fine for a year suddenly start decaying.

I strongly recommend you never put an important placeable (like a chest) on top of another placeable. They only go directly on the floor.


Aye, thanks for warning. Very sad hat this happens, so you can not make nice deko etc.
Another reason NOT to play at official servers sadly :frowning:

Greetings LostElf!
Thank you for reporting this issue to us.

Could you please tell us the exact name of all the chests and placeables you used that displayed this issue?

We’ll be waiting for your reply!

Ok lets try to find the names in english:

Some “Zingaran Mercenary Storage Chests” stands on “nemedian Bookshelf” which was hanging at “Nemedian Wall”.

Other (same chest) was standing on/in “Large Shelf” which was standig at “Nemedian Ceiling”

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