Server doesn't boot after hotfix

This worked perfectly for me, thank you so much. :dizzy: What a complicated pain. :skull_and_crossbones: Glad to have all my builds back.

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It looks like the not clearing up after a mod goes is an old bug (not sure how a mod can clean up when it’s gone. It needs to be the game) I loaded up an old backup I had from 2019, and after 24h trying to boot it finally did it.
Ran the clean up program and it still produced a huge list of left over from old mods. So the lack of clean up was going on even back I 2019… That all points to confirm the theory that the way the game deals with spurious entries changed in the last hotfix. Which we kinda knew, but have not officially been told.

The hotfix was silent and throttled.

So is this something funcom is going to bother to fix, or should I just do what some others have done here and try a third party fix? literally cannot play the game at all right now because I get stuck in loading screens.

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They’re not going to bother. This is a really great way to guarantee I have zero interest in buying their Dune game. Zero.

:thinking: I was pretty upset about this problem. REALLY frustrated. Then the community came together to fix what was essentially an issue brought about the use of mods - this particular issue not the slew of other issues that are not mod-related - But really, it is essentially mod-related and not base game-related.

So in hindsight, I feel that ultimately servers not booting up because of a mod kind of isn’t Funcom’s problem. It’s the problem of the mod community. Both to discover and fix. There are thousands of mods, that come and go. Despite how awesome many are, all mods are a use-at-your-own-risk type of deal. If the server doesn’t boot because of ‘ghost’ mod assets that’s on us.

So, while I am amazed and VERY grateful that the mod community found a fix for this, I can kind of see why Funcom stayed out of it. :thinking:

If i create an amazing car and people find thousands of ways to modify that car, I am not responsible if their modified suspension, turbochargers, sport seats, nitrous oxide or racing harnesses don’t work in the long run. that’s on them to fix. I’m responsible for the working car they purchased.

That ALL being said. We still don’t have a fully WORKING car in CE. So Funcom still is not completely off the hook. :wink:

You’re 100% off base here. The problem originates with the base game so it is 100% Funcom’s problem to fix. Just because it involves mods doesn’t automatically make it not their problem and not something wrong with the base game.

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The only thing mods have to do with the problem is the GAME not removing database entries when it detects a mod is removed and the GAME taking so long to process these old entries when it boots up

Leaving stranded entries in the DB has been happening since at least 2019 when I loaded up a back up from then and then used the fix to clear it down

How can the mod be at fault when it’s not being loaded and no mod does and has to code to remove itself, it relies on the game…

Sorry… But It is totally funcom problem

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