By the looks of it, it’s nothing to worry about, it’s just an epoch value with fractional seconds at the end since it’s probably generated in C++
And for those wanting an “easier” way to insert that value, here:
- Step 1: Open Notepad
● Step 2: Paste the following code in it:
@echo off
set db_file="game.db"
if NOT exist %db_file% (
echo No game.db file in this directory!
echo Inserting timestamp to database...
sqlite3.exe %db_file% "delete from dw_settings where name like 'serverruntime'"
sqlite3.exe %db_file% "insert into dw_settings(name, value) select 'serverruntime', '86400'"
echo Complete!..
- Step 3: Save the file as TimeFix.bat in your server’s
folder, right next to your game databases where the sqlite3.exe file is, since we’re referencing that - Step 4: Navigate to the file and double-click it
(P.S. On a side-note this appears to just be updating the current time every time the database auto-saves… so I don’t know how this would in any way translate to an “age” or factor into anything else for that matter, but hey if you’re saying it works I’m fine with that )
Figured out, check posts below, it’s epoch concept, but not from unixepoch time, but the number of seconds from when the server was started the first time (as long as the serverruntime row exists, else it cannot save)
The script above will set your server age to 1 day and it’ll keep on counting from there