Server List Populates But All Are 9999 Ping

Hello. When I go to play online all servers are showing 0 players, Age ??? and Ping 9999.
Please let me know what I need to do to get official servers to be made available.

I am a new user and cannot load a screenshot


it is a bug that should of been fixed 3 - 4 months ago. but console does seem to be more dead or dying out because people think console conan is a dead game. FC lost players from this bug im sure.

It still works there is still people who play. you just can’t see new servers or find a server with pop unless you know someone on one.


Been like this since October 17th unfortunately and doesn’t look like it’ll be fixed for quite a while yet. For some reason this significant loss of function and near game breaking bug for 2/3 of the platforms the game is on is not deemed urgent by Funcom.

I have been trying to play this game for almost the last 4 months, logging in every few days to try my luck at finding a non official server with active players, but have not had any joy.

I finally gave up trying when the latest ‘hotfix’ that was released didn’t address the problem, meaning a fix will come at minimum in the next ‘hotfix’ in 3-4 months time (if we Xbox players even get the fixes as we are still waiting for both the Nov and Jan ‘hotfixes’)

After 5+ years, regrettably, I’ve finally moved on and deleted the game.

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I appreciate the feedback.

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