Your game requires a certain ping in order to connect to a server. I think the threshold is 120 or something close to that. Anyways, ever since you removed those silly “server pongs”, the clients aren’t updating pings on their server lists. Sometimes I have to refresh my list a few times in order to get a lower ping, just to log in.
With your changes, NOW i have to close and reopen the client just to update the pings on the server list for the “hopes” of getting a low enough ping to log in. This is preeeeety stupid.
At least allow me to refresh one servers ping on the list or something while in the game somehow, ya? I mean, instead of making it impossible to log into a server without a certain ping, why dont you let us enter a Q so that the client pings JUST THAT server until a low enough ping is registered. Something has to give here. its getting more and more of a pain in the A just to log in and play the game.
As the refresh clicky is broken, you don’t have to exit the client to refresh the ping, simply switch from Internet to Officials to whatever. This works for me until they fix the client.
Lorail, the refresh button still works. The apparent problem is that there are so many servers to poll, it takes a looong time. I thought exactly as you, but then got called away while on that screen and when done with the server list, it appears.
Please try it and if you get the same, let us know here.
Give us an choice to even search for unnofficial servers. If our client didnt have to search ALL every time, it would allow comms between clients that play officials only to more efficiently communication with official servers.
I understand what these guys are doing. They are unFing and optimizing the game, but the last ppl who had their hands on it were terribad. They have their hands full. I think this might be a good way to optimize.
Yep! And now that the Favorites selection is working again, you can even Favorite your desired server, and then switch from Internet to just Favorites. This also eliminates having to search for the server.