[Server up] Official PVE 1011 down

Hi, Just now I was upgrading furnaces on PVE official 1011. then I had lag, and I got disconnected from the game. Now I cannot log back to that specific server. stuck on loading screen, and I got a message “connection lost to host”…

I played there ever since launch I wanna go home :smiley: NOW… :smiley:

Can you restart official PVE #1011 please or check it at least? I can see players are there atm but still something is off with it.

Also I tested I can join to other servers i.e. tried official pve 1006 worked like a charm fast and easy.

thank you in advance.

#1726 is also down, went out at same time as the above server


Okay. Now eu PVE #1011 lists as 0/40
hope you guy having a good weekend tho. but I hope also that someone is working around the server upkeep corners :slight_smile:

Also I can see official american servers as 0/40 too.
PVE 1745, 1748, 1750

Same here can join any server but not #1011

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Oh, Hello Buddy :smiley:

Hello :slight_smile: l think this will take some time and in 1 hour need go to airport

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Fly safe than. IDK if any funnycom member is working or not atm it is weekend after all. Or maybe the host of the servers having some ISP related issues. So who knows.

l just go pick up some1 but its long drive from my home :slight_smile: but im sure some1 from admin will be on today :slight_smile:

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Garyice are everywhere :smile:
and i just want to find out whats happening with the Server :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Downside” of an easy to learn hard to forget name… :smiley:

But I see and glad the friendzies comming here too :smiley:

I thought “Never play on patch day” and “Never patch on Friday” are well known in the industry/community by now :smiley:

Nevertheless i hope someone is here to take care of the problem :wink:


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Are you A&T sam from that server? :smiley:
:smiley: only a few more of the friends here and we won’t even need the game anymore :smiley:

i see , it´s time to make RL stuff.
see u later ingame Neighbour and the others :wink:

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27/40 and I still can’t connect… maybe you are right.
anyways have fun :slight_smile:

Oh finally I am in. I just hope it lasts. :smiley:

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1726 is still offline. I reported in support threads and also via the official method, which is stickied in the support group.

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hey a familiar name!
i found this post this morning when 1011 was not showing up for me in the server list… fixed that… but now i got the same problem as you… men what is it today… beside those 2 thing i also got a random crash today (for the first time)… i guess ill wait till tomorrow :frowning:

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not only you i cant conet to #1011 to but can to any other server

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Hey, i think i found the 1011-forum :wink:

can’t connect to server :angry:


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Gary my friend, you seek answers also i see, darn server, im loosing prime time

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