My very first mount.
My very first pet
Unfortunately my son one year ago drop down my ps4 and I had to format it, so I lost ove 500 Conan pictures, plus an account with all my builds, etc…
However I will upload 2 photos that I like a lot and going with the mood and the environment.
Meteor shower
Who’s got the best armor?
Nice capture of the meteor shower. I have never been able to grab that shot myself.
Please upload Beri top less, I learned the existence of these crafters with bold outfits from you,
These are some of my legacy thralls, before the clothing police showed up.
Dayya Leaddrinker
Matias Snowmelt
Njoror Battleborn
Why in the earths name they change this? Why?
Because people went full murderhobo and just killed anything and everything they came across.
They claimed thralls didn’t stand out enough and were to weak. So now we have thralls that all look the same.
Which is a shame because the outfit they all wear is, quite frankly, ugly.
I have no old screenshots to share unfortunately… my old HD died a while back, lost a few things
before dress policy? Umm even now u can get naked workers as guys and womans. Only dunno if they are only on siptah or both… because on siptah i have 3 carpenters naked xD
@Azazane, we speak about crafters, so this doesn’t give me a good reason (I am not addressing to you ofcurce). I work as a crafter all my life, when I feel that I have to remove my t shirt, I will, this doesn’t make me less crafter. Please share any photo, it is a beautiful concept.
@NeoTheMatrix, are you speaking about mods, or it is the new update?
Grand hall of my base during the 2018 Night of Lost Souls Halloween event.
You can see the torches have purple flames, everything is tinted bluish, and the Statue of Refreshment is blown out from the eternal night effects.
That was definitely a crazy event. Nice base.
Yoggite crafters don’t believe in health and safety.
Cannot remember the exact date, but it was sometime in 2017, game had loads of bugs, I had a really good thrall that I had to drag a long distance back to base, rope got longer and longer + arrows often were a part of melee weapons, and if the thrall caught up to you, they were below the ground
Speaking of bugs and glitches, one of the more weird ones were that building pieces sometimes vanished completely leaving all your stuff floating in mid air
Stepping side ways caused boob to …ummm black hole on itself.
The arrow in the hand glitch, lol, that was classic back then.
Well that is par for the Funcom course. They screw us on CE and give it all to Siptah.
Punching a camel, just classic.