Single Player crashes during load screen every time- can not play anymore

Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox Series X
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Single Player

Map: Exiled Lands

Bug Description:

On Xbox Series X, with all DLC, Exiled Lands. We play exclusively in single player mode. One day, the game started crashing on the loading screen (after clicking through to play in single player, when the loading bar is almost at the end.) It crashes and we are back at the xbox dashboard. We’ve tried around 100 times over the past few weeks, and it crashes at the same spot when loading every single time.

This save is 1-2 years old, and we do have many building pieces across the map (around 30k), but have not experienced any lag or any crashes when playing before this issue started- it performed great. One day it just stopped working, and it is devastating to lose such a detailed and old save, and we do not want to delete the save data if it is possible to recover.

I have also tried to load in through Xbox PC via cloud gaming (I’m assuming this has me accessing our xbox console save data?), and it crashes at the same loading bar spot ("The game closed unexpectedly- cV: j9krtJi/qFzvHuYiWe6pdL.198.0), indicating to me that this is some bug/glitch in our save or map, and not the fault of the xbox console hardware itself.

Nevertheless, we have attempted a xbox console reset (unplugging etc) and also reinstallation of the game several times- no change.

We have also tried loading in while the xbox is fully offline in case there was some issue with the online service (eg. battle pass)- no change.

It’s incredibly frustrating to have lost our game after paying $100+. If you have any suggestions on how we can fix this without wiping our save data, it would be appreciated a lot. Thank you.

Bug Reproduction:

Single player - continue- play in single player

They are welcoming the money from console players, but have no product to exchange.

Our money , I’m imagining, has gone toward developing their molestation of the ‘dune’ universe.

There is no Eula that they have to maintain accordance to and probably won’t be a console version released while ■■■■■■ has rites over ‘conan’ .

I’ve personally been exceedingly more and more frustrated with every patch and update since ‘siptah’ was first available.

They’re shedding the console demographic whether they want it or not.

Sorry your time , investment, and pleasure has led to this group of consumers we’re in.

We were conned by the statement that funcom sold us a game that could be used on a console.

It was certainly advertised that way. No integrity. No confidence. No reparation. No love for them.

This is the only line of communication for the ■■■■■■ customer service.

I’m mad too. It was refreshing to find something like this without the dependence of guns, or dinosaurs, or running from zombies.

They never did it right from the start.

I submitted a ticket in the support section looking for help on this, and the request was marked “Solved” instantly upon submitting, with no reply. Is the ticket system to submit bugs also bugged, or are you ignoring support requests? Surely someone must be offering support on a game that is actively releasing new items they expect us to purchase? We actually were on the verge of buying battle pass as we neared challenge level 60 a couple days before we lost access to our game, lol :woman_facepalming:

Greetings Exile,

Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you share some additional information?

Do you have your game installed on an SSD or HDD?

Is the console stable while playing other demanding games?

In the meantime, here are some steps that might help you. Please ensure that your save is stored on the Xbox cloud before trying each of the following:

Reset the console cache by holding the power button for about 10 seconds until the console powers off, then disconnect it from the power outlet for a couple of minutes, then try loading it into your SP session.

Try to perform a soft factory reset while keeping games and apps.

We await your reply.

SSD as comes with the xbox series X.
The console is stable and even conan was running great before this issue.
All those steps havent helped.


Thank you for getting back to us. We will ask you more questions to help us try to pinpoint what or where the issue could have originated:

  1. Are you able to try to start a new game or even play online?

  2. Can you give us an estimate of how old is the current saved game?

  3. Before you started to get the issue did you perform any unusual activity in the game or left your character inside a structure you usually didn’t?

  4. Also, around the time the issue started were you in the process of building a new large structure?

  5. Do you usually exit the game completely every day your play session is over or do you leave it on standby?

Thank you in advance.

1, Are you able to try to start a new game or even play online? we will not try to start a new game since that will erase our save. We tried to make a character on Exiled Lands under a different profile on the same xbox and it crashed right before character creation. We have an existing Siptah save game on a different profile and we can still play that. We do not play online and have not attempted it.

  1. Can you give us an estimate of how old is the current saved game? One year+

  2. Before you started to get the issue did you perform any unusual activity in the game or left your character inside a structure you usually didn’t? I believe we were working on Battle Pass, completed a set, and it did not take- a message appeared saying to “try again later, if problem persists, contact Funcom.” I rebooted thinking it would fix the issue and that is when we could no longer load in at all. Do not recall where exactly on the map we were.

  3. Also, around the time the issue started were you in the process of building a new large structure? Yes

  4. Do you usually exit the game completely every day your play session is over or do you leave it on standby? Standby

What about trying to join a server? Joining an Xbox server online won’t erase your SP save; it creates a character on that server alone. If it crashes after that, it might help them understand if its a problem with the save or a problem with the game itself.

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Thank you for answering all of our questions.

Could you also please try what darthphysicist suggested as well and let us know the results?

Possible workarounds- 1. Load up an Isle of Siptah save first, then load up your Exiled Lands save. 2. Do the usual clear cache 3. Delete the save from the console only then load the game up 4. Try deleting your gamertag from your console only, then redownload it from the cloud. 5. If you have access to a second console, try loading the game from there.

Thanks everyone. We can go on an official exiled lands server fine. Its obvious its a problem with the save file, not the game, we’ve reinstalled it many times, have a brand new xbox, did a full factory reset which deleted the profiles and the save and redownloaded the save from the cloud, and I’ve tried to get in through xbox PC cloud gaming and it crashes there too. I guess I don’t know what I was expecting support to actually do. Is there any chance the upcoming patch will help?

Greetings Exile,

The future patch we’re preparing will assist with overall performance, missing assets, and many other bugs and issues specific to consoles. However, with the information available from your case we cannot say for sure it will fix your saved file.

In the meantime, we suggest you try to perform a soft factory reset while keeping games and apps.

Please ensure that your save is stored on the XBOX cloud before moving forward.

We hope this helps.

Thanks, but I just said in my last message we tried a factory reset.

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