Siptah boss bug one shots


The blood moon boss on siptah one shots player and thrall at any level or armor, my clan mate and I lost 2 kits and 4 maxed level snow hunters do to this. Please fix it this is how i get shinings


The thing that this issue has been brought up every other day on the forum for like a month and devs decided to do nothing about it made me think, that this is perhaps NOT a bug at all.
The same blood moon boss one-shot players in the Kurak dungeon not because they are the special mechanics of this time-limited challenge, but because this kind of species naturally go frenzy during Eclipse!
And because eclipses happen so often these days, Bloodmoon Beasts have entered frenzy mode all over the world.

My fully armored Lesteret seems to take it very well, every other Thrall (specially not-human ones) and my character melt like if it was the Lost Ark. I just stay away and shield.

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@Community can we get some insight as to this being intentional or a bug please?


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