Blood Moon Beast Instantly Kills Thralls

Problem: Blood Moon Beast instantly killed 2 thralls with acid puke
Location: Pools of the Grey Ones, summoned with a statue

If this is a known issue, shame on you, Funcom. I just lost my Dalinsia SnowHunter AND an Accursed Sonya. Thralls should not go from 100% health to 0% health from a single ability. In my case, I watched both thralls die immediately from the acid-puke. That’s not fun. That doesn’t make me want to continue playing. That doesn’t make me want to buy any more Funcom products. It DOES make me want to tell everyone to avoid all Funcom games forever. End rant.


[Bug Blood Moon Beast - #27 by Xevyr? ]

Good evening and welcome to the Conan Exiles forums.
You could see it, this problem was reported and our comrade Xevyr to find the cause of the bug, let’s hope that Funcom will settle this during the next patch.

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Bloodmoon beast is a lot more nasty than you think.
Don’t expect an easy fight.

I doubt this is a bug, but more an oversight. Bloodbeast was added to Kurak’s event as an enrage mechanism. Its world sized “blood ball” is meant an instant kill even with 20 grit.

But then all other places where this monster dwells sport the same attacks.

And because thalls have no brains, well yes. BUME ALL DEAD!!!1

One note on the bright side about this monster from the outer void…
Kill enough of them during a maelstrom and you’ll eventually loot for yourself the nastiest bow in the game. But of course, that’s Siptah.
It puts out the most damage per shot of any other bow.

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