Bloodmoon Beast one shots Thralls

Since Update Bloodmoon Beast Insta deletes Thralls with its Bloodball cast…

Are you referring to the beast on Siptah or the one in the new dungeon in exiled lands?

How in the world is the post above me marked as a solution!?
Im talkin about that one on siptah, but i think it will be the same case with that one on the exiled lands

You’re were not fast enough through the entire dungeon, so the bloodmoon beast came and kicked you out. It’s intentional.

It’s intentional.

Its intended that the exile lands one instakills, dont think its meant to happen with the siptah version, so its another bug


The patchnotes refers to one blood moon beast, which exists on exile lands and siptah. It’s the same one.

How could you kill it then? Its meant to be killed on siptah, not like on exile land :slightly_smiling_face: bug

And how should we kill Siptah Boss Bloodmoon Beast then? It has unique loot, Blood Weapon. Why should it have such loot if no one can kill it? In fact there are several different 3-scull Bosses called “Blood Moon Beast”, you can see it in the Admin Panel. Only one of them should instakill attackers - one summoned by Kurak. All the others are mortal creatures giving loot and exp.

Скриншот 26-03-2023 170439

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Wow. You came to a public forum and posted with piss all information and sling shade at people going out of their way to try to help :man_facepalming:
I would say that when they’ve adjusted bloodmoon for the new dungeon it’s also transferred the new settings over to Siptah.
You should file a proper bug report with maybe just a tad more info.


I’ve been asking for 2 days now for someone who plays Siptah to check the name of the thing :smiley:

So to clarify again, they are completely separate entities…
Separate NPCs… with separate attacks… etc… and nothing they do with the Kurak dungeon one should affect the Siptah one.

If it all of a sudden does, then that means they either gave that one the new one-shot attack too OR are actually spawning the wrong NPC, since the update 3 days ago.

So if someone could please either make a separate bug report or get a screenshot of the thing already :joy:

Basically the Siptah version should be called “Blood-Moon Beast” while the Kurak dungeon one is called “Blood Moon Beast” (without a dash between blood and moon). So if the one in the citadel on Siptah doesn’t have a dash all of a sudden, then it’s the wrong NPC :stuck_out_tongue:


Patch notes confirms that it should kill with 1 hit. Blood moon beast kills with 1 hit, immediately after patch drops. You’re overthinking it. It’s simple. Funcom made it that way intentionally, as they stated in patch notes.

I killed it with a bow today, no thrall. It’s easy.

Patch note isn’t talking about that… The patch note merely states that they prevented people from cheesing the one-hit kill with the Grit perk that only allows you to take 25% of your max HP. It’s referring to the kurak dungeon, not Siptah.


That’s like your opinion.
Patch notes state this:

Siptah has been out for two years, with no indication that the blood moon beast should have a 1 hit kill mechanic. The only thing that’s changed is them recycling it to boot you out of the Kurak dungeon.

And unlike the Kurak dungeon, you don’t wake back up in your bed with all your belongings on Siptah. So it’s likely an unintended change for the Siptah version. And if it isn’t, it should be removed regardless because it’s a ridiculous change.


Yes, the patch notes that you’re taking completely out of context :man_shrugging: because @Ignasi made the mistake of not specifying what is obvious to most people…

Sooo… guess what? My 4k health (berserker)heavy armored thrall was fighting the bloodmoon beast in Siptah summoned at the Grey Ones pools. Was nearly full health for the first 30 seconds of the battle, then splat. Dead in a second. I was in a dodge roll away when it happened, so I did not see the attack.

This one is killable though. I just strafed it with arrows, waking a circle around it. AI is no match for my tricksy tactics.

Happened to us but the sorc bugged out because it was too slow. We murdered everything. So the game screwed us. Done with the buggy crap.

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