Blood moon beast single-hit kills everything in sight with special AoE attack

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: 6423
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Blood moon beast summoned from the pools of the Grey ones single-hit kills anything in the sight with AoE special attack in less than a one second. Including player with 800+ HP and thralls with 4500 HP approx. According to the event log, three thralls including me as a player died in the same second. When I died, didn’t even see my HP bar drop anywhere, it just went from 100% of HP to 0% and instant death.

Bug Reproduction:

Summon Blood moon beast in the Pools of the Grey ones. Fight it normally as any other summoned enemy. And suddenly die, not realizing why and what happened.

Ok, so what was this about? Saw more people mentioning this problem, even getting accused that nothing like this is happening, but it really is.

Anyone has any ideas, what is this about?

EDIT: One of our thralls had 7000 HP+ and was lvl. 20 :slight_smile:

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You’re definitely not imagining it :slight_smile:

Xevyr, I probably don’t understand it. :frowning: It’s kinda confusing (the text I mean) Could you please put it into your own words?

Basically they changed the debuff on that giant ball attack to do ~10x10k damage instantly (so ~100k), but the change was most likely only intended for the one on Exiled Lands inside Kurak’s Lair that is meant to wipe players if they take too long in the dungeon.
However because they share this attack with the Siptah version, that one inherited the change too.


Ok… So we might at least hope they’re working on fixing this. Anyways thank you for your explanation, confirmed that I am not imagining it. :smiley:

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X hotfixes later…and still not fixed.

Does not seem like a hard fix to do either…yet again been a month and Siptah has to deal with this “bug”…

"Hello everyone!

We are currently investigating this issue, but we need some help from you.

Could anyone that has been affected by this send us a video of getting into the dungeon and showing this behavior?"

And investigating is all…nothing since then. GG once again, you guys rock!not

Yeah, at least they fixed some silently ongoing exploit bugs. :smiley:

But nope, I get it, it can’t be all done immediately. But can imagine this as ragequit stuff for newbies, so it would have to have priority… Well.

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