I’ve scanned the forums and it looks like most ppl were talking about this back in June/July. I haven’t played since then and was completely surprised today to find out my base still stands.I ran around the map and it appears that nobody has a decay timer. So, is there just going to be no decay timers in Siptah from now on? What is the current Funcom position on this situation?
Yes on Playstation also. Evidently they have not been able to fix the area of connection issues and don’t want people to loose their buildings no mention of when it will be fixed unless it is on todays live stream will watch later missed first part. @Mozzie not alot of people on 8090 were were we play perhaps waiting for Decay to come back I believe it is the southern islands that are messed up what little we have played on Siptah lately it seems to run okay no more invisible pets and NPC also plants and trees back. Currently got a snake egg hatching on Exiles Land can be found behind Mitras Serenity one egg per nest also below Derckto temple on beach. Don’t know about Siptah. Colossal snake is tied to battle Pass believe it is getting nerfed do to play to win complaining Sandstorm is coming thru building’s you have missed alot some good others bad
You get skelton keys off of bosses but redeem in dungeons and I should find my other glasses Good luck out there Exile.
Wow, that’s crazy. I read their current bug report post and it made no mention of it which was why I was a bit perplexed. I haven’t done a thorough sweep yet but even with this ‘change’ I don’t see an abnormal amount of bases on my server. I have, however, encountered the server running like ass. A lot more lag and desync than I can ever recall being in the game. Perhaps connected to decay being off… or something else? Anything else I should know from returning after about 6 month’s?
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