Skittering Cavern Spider Boss Not Spawing

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: US

Official server 1505 PVE

The Skittering Cavern’s spider boss is not spawing. I have been visiting the cavern several times for the past week and the boss is not spawning. The legendary chest and lesser spiders are there but no boss.

Update: looks like there were foundations on the mountain above the cavern spawn point. The owner removed them and the boss spawned again. However, this remains a bug as building on the mountain should not impact a boss spawing below in a cavern.


Hello @gr8scots, thank you for getting in touch!

Although it’s intentional that player claim radius blocks the spawning of regular NPCs, we’re registering occurrences in which bosses are affected for our team to evaluate options to avoid this problem in the future.

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