Skittering cave spider not spawning

Game mode: [ Online official ]
Type of issue: [Skittering cave boss not spawning]
Server type: [Enter one of the following: PvE]
Official server - 1090

Someone built a castle on the skittering cave. Now the boss, spiders & gossmears arent spawning no matter what.
Anyone knows how to solve this issue cause i need that nemedian helmet.

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I submitted this same bug report last week for the official PVE server I play on (1507). @Ignasi said the issue would be passed along to the team for review. Hopefully, it will get a higher priority since it’s happening on multiple servers and was supposed to be fixed back in July.


This happened on my server as well. The spot the boss spawns at is an open field above and people have no clue they are de spawning the boss below. The devs should work out how to build above and below things without affecting spawn locations.

Fortunately I was the one that built above him lol so I moved my property over abit now it spawns again.


They did in patch fix that for a few areas so build up or below will no longer despawn cave thus it’s in the works but it could take time but as always when area recives fix it could take a couple of server restart to kick it in gear

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