**Game mode: Single-player
**Type of issue: Performance
**Server type: PvE
**Region: EU
**Hardware: PS4 pro
Bug Description:
Since somewhere last year the textures in the game render really slow. I still have that problem. I play on a ps4 pro on singleplayer offline. Does anyone know a solution to this?
I have a video from it, but i don’t know how to share it here since i’m not allowed to post links or upload a mp4 file.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Load in
- Play
- (etc)
I changed my old PS4 pro hdd to an ssd an improved it somewhat in my old ps4 days.
The stock ps4 pro can handle it, but for some reason it was nerfed.
Already reported.
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Check and see if you are in Boost Mode. Change it to on or off and see what difference that makes. I found I needed it off for best play, while a friend needed it on. It had to do with the DL speeds of our respective internet.
I checked, it was off. I tried turning it on but I think that made it even worse. Unfortunately
Thx for the info anyways 
Do you know where I could find any updates about this? I’m pretty sure this has already been going on for about a year, is there no improvement that you know of?
My guess is Funcom went with a more generic platform on consoles, treating PS4 and Pro as the same with hopes that the end user already installed an SSD.
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I have had slow / odd shaped colored rendering on the PS5, sometimes the the foliage looks like a blooming onion from a restaurant but poisonous rofl. I am sure this is on the client’s side not your Pro specifically.
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That is concerning. Of course I’m hoping for a fix for the ps4, but now hearing that the ps5 is also not without problems doesn’t paint a nice picture 
Well that would be awful. The game I can play now is just not what I bought and it’s really frustrating honestly. I keep trying to get into it again, but with how it looks now I just can’t. I shouldn’t be required to have a SSD to run a game that ran smoothly before. 
True, when we started however we downloaded a game about 70 giga? Now if you check the capacity of Conan in your disk you will see 130, 140? Conan is a pc game that came to consoles too. Ps5 is the best solution to play this game but since then you can choose between performance and visual in your starting menu settings. I stopped building a lot because of this issue and I am trying to do different things in this game until I’ll get my ps5.
Welcome to the forum m8, cheers
Ps. Pc, ps4, ps4pro, ps5, and 2 Xbox machines, they had to stabilize the game for all these consoles, if it was just ps5, new Xbox, pc, it would be so much easier and better
I understand it became bigger, but I wouldn’t have spend money on the game for the current state it is in. Honestly atm I feel quite cheated. I don’t even have a large building. I just started a new game, only have a small house. Even my hyena is just a blob until I stare at it for 15-20 seconds. And even if it’s a lot of work to stabilize the game, should that take more than a year? I’m just angry I can’t enjoy the game in the way I used to.
I agree on the half part.
The money I paid for this game is over covered, I have spend thousands hours in this game, literally thousands, now I still play it in different way.
So is it annoying and stressful to have great builds in Conan exiles on ps4?
Definitely yes.
Do I feel that I was robbed?
Definitely no.
Do I feel that I didn’t get what I paid?
Definitely no.
Are other games more expensive than Conan exiles, that doesn’t touch the surface of this game, cost more and still Laggy?
Definitely yes.
Did I felt robbed by these games?
Again definitely no.
Greetings Exile,
As some of our other members have said, this isn’t a bug but rather a console problem. Our team is always trying to improve the performance of the game on consoles and your feedback will certainly help.
Please let us know if you encounter any other issues.
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