Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]
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Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Just playing the game…
I have played Conan since it was the PS PLUS game of the month & played ALOT (Solo + Multiple PVE Servers) When I did play at lengths not that long ago = the game performed better + graphics were crisper (without draw distance blur + low resolution on everything) + rarely had any lag + resolution was much less saturated and honestly just performed better across the board.
Skip ahead to January 2020 = i just purchased the COMPLETE EDITION and after updating to the current version and logging into a SOLO CAMPAIGN i am presented with these issues = Screen jutters + lag + lesser graphic fidelity + textures taking much longer to load in (if they do at all some times) + shadows and lighting behaving oddly + a heavy film grain look to everything (much more than before) among many other examples which i have no access to tweak or alter on my end = so i am left very confused as to the things i am experiencing now, but never had issue with less than 4 months ago… This does not feel or look like the same game i played not that long ago and none of it for the better
I run my PS4 PRO on a SONY X930E 4k FULL HDR TV and Conan Exiles did not look this bad on my display before . I have also combed through all my TV settings and none of them are causing the effects i see on-screen…
Has something drastic changed ?
Are online servers subject to the same issues or are they better quality ?
Why after purchasing everything = the game won’t run / perform like it use to ?
What am i missing ?
Am I the only one experiencing this ?
Is there something i can do to fix this ?
Have all the recent updates done something to hinder / effect performance like it has ?