Ps4 pro performance & graphics

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [Here]

[Free text]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Just playing the game…

I have played Conan since it was the PS PLUS game of the month & played ALOT (Solo + Multiple PVE Servers) When I did play at lengths not that long ago = the game performed better + graphics were crisper (without draw distance blur + low resolution on everything) + rarely had any lag + resolution was much less saturated and honestly just performed better across the board.
Skip ahead to January 2020 = i just purchased the COMPLETE EDITION and after updating to the current version and logging into a SOLO CAMPAIGN i am presented with these issues = Screen jutters + lag + lesser graphic fidelity + textures taking much longer to load in (if they do at all some times) + shadows and lighting behaving oddly + a heavy film grain look to everything (much more than before) among many other examples which i have no access to tweak or alter on my end = so i am left very confused as to the things i am experiencing now, but never had issue with less than 4 months ago… This does not feel or look like the same game i played not that long ago and none of it for the better :flushed:

I run my PS4 PRO on a SONY X930E 4k FULL HDR TV and Conan Exiles did not look this bad on my display before :flushed:. I have also combed through all my TV settings and none of them are causing the effects i see on-screen…

Has something drastic changed ?
Are online servers subject to the same issues or are they better quality ?
Why after purchasing everything = the game won’t run / perform like it use to ?
What am i missing ?
Am I the only one experiencing this ?
Is there something i can do to fix this ?
Have all the recent updates done something to hinder / effect performance like it has ?

How often do you clear the cache on your ps4, or rebuild your database?
I don’t know if it will fix the issues your experiencing, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

To clear the cache you need to unplug the ps4 (after shutting it down obviously) for 5+ minutes.
To rebuild the database you need to hold the power button on your ps4 until you hear a second beep to start it up in safe mode and select the option to rebuild the database (duh).

Thanks for the suggestions and have tried both of them last night and again today. I was thinking about a complete re-install, but the thought of re-downloading 80gig + the updates for a second time is dreadful and pretty sure this is not my problem as i have tried this already.
I have also viewed some old recorded footage which still looks better and the PS4 PRO will downgrade footage from it’s native resolution to 1080p without HDR = i honestly have to say that old footage still looks better than what i am currently viewing :flushed:
Thank you in anycase for the suggestions.

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Hello @Rawflux, thank you for reaching out.

As you’ve updated the game from an older version, we’d suggest trying to do a clean install.

After doing so, please let us know if any graphical issues persist on either offline or online mode and, if possible, do share a short video recording that showcases the issue.

Thanks for the reply Hugo, i may have to try yet another re-install and hope for the best. Along side the issues i have mentioned prior, after playing for quite awhile i have noticed other various issues that in my hundreds of prior play hours i have not experienced.

Locking onto enemy targets is much more janky and at times will unlock from said target and other instances will remain locked on, but will miss that target often on strikes (almost like there is little to no hitbox to register the attack).

Another issue with the newly implemented roll + dodge system is due to the animation times being drastically increased (slowed down) I am experiences moments in combat where i will be knocked to the ground by an attack and then before i can stand up (or) roll + dodge = i am hit with another attack and so forth, not allowing any escape from the repeated attacks :flushed:

I have also experienced numerous occasions of enemies (mostly human) teleporting short distances + avoiding damage due to this odd behaviour.

Keep in mind all of the prior issues i mentioned and the following issues today are all on a SOLO / Off-Line campaign with NO Co-Op / NO Mods (PS4) and i am left very confused to what happened to the Conan Exiles i played & loved only 4 months ago.

I always expect bugs + glitches in all games and learn to live with them or work around them, but all these new issues are making me question why i purchased the COMPLETE EDITION of this game when it honestly performs this poorly far too often. I will try and document all of this with video footage, but am afraid to say this most likely won’t help me or the underlined issues that i am currently discovering that i am far from the only one suffering…

I truly hope your Team is aware of alot of this and have it in mind to work sorting out as the batch of last few updates have introduced i would say more bad than good :flushed:

I appreciate the work you all do and truly do love this game, but whatever has happened in the last 4 months has altered various aspects of this game that either never needed altering or it was done unwillingly / unknowingly. I truly hope that more testing / patching & bug fixing is on your road map before more new content, as it is needed on various levels.

Will removing the game and re-installing (clean install) remove my current offline world / campaign ?
If you can get back to me and let me know that would be greatly appreciated as it is looking, doing another re-install may be the only way i can fix this (praying it does).

Otherwise all the aforementioned issues just seem to be getting worst the more i play.

Thank you for your replies and any more suggestions / advice you may have to offer.

We’re constantly taking note of the reported issues for both PC and Console, it’s unfortunate that there are still lingering issues with the latest update and that the festivities delayed further patching but the team’s efforts to address the current problems will resume very soon.

This should not be the case if you have the save backed up to a pendrive or the PSN online storage.

Should reinstalling have the issues persist, please let us know and, if possible, do share a video recording that shows at least some of them in action.

Thank you again for your reply, it is appreciated. I have just done my 2nd clean install overnight as downloading 100 gig on my end is not a quick process.

I will be getting onto a Solo / Off-line campaign today and will update anything that i come across over the next few days.
I am hoping not to find the same issues, but if so = i may just have to shelf the game until a much later date when more patches & fixes are created and implemented.

I understand that bugs are common issues in all games and your team has just released the largest update yet, but my fears are that these issues will persist until you have sufficient time to update the game and resolve them. Shame as this was the only game i was truly looking forward to getting back into with all the DLC to enjoy this holiday season.
I may just have to be patient and play something else for awhile.

So far today since my clean re-install (again)

  • The lag is a little less prevalent, though is noticeable mostly when running + turning and accessing chests / inventories / etc…

  • The graphics & PS4 PRO performance still feels as though everything in it’s core settings (the way the game use to look) have all been lowered = still very washed out & blurry textures at medium & long distances, even close up at times.

  • Pop in is just as bad as it was before the re-install and very jarring to see everything load in bit by bit, less than 10 feet infront of my character (ie, branches + bushes + rocks + wildlife + etc…) I am also noticing very large terrain & structures periodically pop in & out at times when traveling On-Foot (have not tried any horses, yet)

  • When i remain perfectly still on screen the issues are lessened in some regards, but as soon as i start moving on foot & worst when i am running = the issues all resurface, there are moments when i am running and objects are popping in right i front of me or even delayed and appear as i run by them or they pop in behind me = rocks + plants + etc… (Completely jarring & destroys pretty much any immersion)

  • Honestly the best way I can describe all of my larger current issues is as i mentioned above = the games settings feel as though they have all been lowered on the graphic & performance side. This game didn’t always have the greatest graphics for a PS4 PRO game, but the change i am experiencing seems like a drastic drop = from 1080p to somewhere between that & 720p and it is literally this way for everything across the board (textures + landscape + lighting + draw distance) Something has changed on your end with these last few updates, almost feels as my version of Conan Exiles for the PS4 PRO has literally been downgraded to a base PS4 version :flushed:

I will continue to play + test things and try my best to ignore most of it in order to have some fun, but feeling very much disheartened & disappointed at everything i am experiencing and feeling as though i have completely wasted money on getting the Complete Edition (i could have written everything off playing the free PS PLUS version, but spending $80.00 on this is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth :flushed:

Sorry if any of this seems negative, but currently do not have many positive things at this point and time. I hope these issues can be solved in the near future, as playing this is nowhere near as enjoyable as it was not that long ago and i am almost certain it has something to do with the last two updates (Debaucheries of Derketo & Riders of Hyboria) i also have no way of removing either DLC in order to test this myself and honestly am losing interest in trying to rationalize this :unamused:

Thank you for your replies per usual and hope FUNCOM is working on some / all of these issues.

After many more hours of testing various things in-game, i have also combed through numerous video recordings of myself playing from 4 months ago and prior, as well as numerous other peoples videos streaming their gameplay footage, as well as PC streamers on 3 different graphics settings Ultra / Medium / Low.

What i have clearly discovered tonight is that prior to the last massive update and possibly a little before that = something drastic has occurred involving the PS4 PRO’s current state of gameplay & graphics.

Every single one of my videos from past gameplay sessions does not have any of the current issues i have very meticulously shared here in the last few days (save for minor lag here and there on the performance end = which honestly has always been an issue. The closest comparison i could relay to you if compared to the average PC Graphics settings of (Ultra / Medium / Low) = prior to the last update my version of Conan Exiles on PS4 PRO ran consistently at an average somewhere between Medium & Low graphics and what i am experiencing across the board + in every area of the map + at any given time while playing since the update is comparable to being stuck on the Low Graphics Setting and i would even say that honestly it looks and feels less than Low…

From every issue i have mentioned before involving pop in + washed out colors & textures + lighting not functioning as it did prior + low resolution on EVERYTHING + much more = none of these issues were present in any of my old footage + the vast majority of footage shared on Youtube by others…

I have a new PS4 PRO + External SSD + Sony X930E 4K / FULL HDR Display + I rebuild my systems database regularly + i have done 2 “Clean Re-Installs” have ZERO issues with any of the 52 games in my collection… Aside from Conan Exiles currently :unamused:

Something has gone very wrong with this port to PS4 PRO after the Riders of Hyboria Update, what has happened on your end is a mystery to me, but i assure you that is neither any of my Hardware or fault of mine = please bring this to whom ever’s attention that should be aware of these issues, as being given the option of a mount system inplace of suffering the myriad of performance issues across the board, is not something i asked for + wanted + or even care about if the trade off is a degraded version of the game.

I will remain hopeful that FUNCOM is working on fixing this, but after all the research i have done tonight i am left with the conclusion that I may have wasted my $$$ on continuing to support FUNCOM with the purchase of the Complete Edition and i am very wary of any future content or products from FUNCOM :flushed:

I Hope in the very near future you will all proove me wrong and bring back in the least, the Conan Exiles many of us (including myself) loved to play & support not all that long ago…

I am hoping this is the case, as the logic to the way i am perceiving the adding of Mounts, but fundamentally lowering the quality & performance of your game overall across the board was a horrible decision. I hope this can be fixed,… I really do :unamused:

Thanks @Hugo for your replies, but unless you have news of fixes / patches = i don’t honestly think there is anything else you can share with me that will help, but thank you none the less.

Game mode: Single player
Problem: Performance
Region: America

I have posted a few times now bringing forth various issues in SOLO / offline mode on a PS4 PRO.
I am unsure if i am alone in experiencing the following that i have play tested for the last few hours to examine. Please if anyone else is experiencing any of the following, leave a comment so i can either start putting some of these issues to further examination or to rest. Also would be great to know i am not alone since the last 2 updates.

The Issues…

  • offline lag = constantly in & out of action.

  • screen jags & tears at random times.

  • pop-in for everything = plants + rocks pop in around 10 ft infront of me as well as large items at a greater distance (structures + my small hut + larger animals, etc…)

  • Draw distance is very much fuzzier / reduced and often de-rezzed and at times also suffers from pop-in.

  • Constant audio delay or lack there of entirely = will kill something and 5-10 secs later i will hear the audio or it won’t at all…

  • Occasional freezing when doing something as simple as moving in my small hut or trying to access chests / work stations…

  • Enemies have either no hitbox at times or they now have I-frames in various instances (cannot rationally explain this with any logic).

  • Locking onto anything is much jankier than in the past and alot of the time when locked onto a target, my attacks aren’t even directed at said target…

  • Flying with Admin Panel access does allow flight, but at a very, very, very slow speed and cannot disable flight mode (only by removing bracelet does this de-activate)

  • Enemies & Animals randomly appearing underwater (pop-in) and either float their dead or de-spawn…

  • Lighting effects very much off / wonky = a torch at night will cast light hundreds of feet down river with a bloom effect. Shadows behave oddly, some times lagging in areas to catch up to others…

  • Saturation involving Color & Contrast is off as well, used the same settings on my Sony x930e 4k (full HDR) tv as i always have for gaming and even after tweaking the only option for display that we really have (in-game) which is Gamma. The display still looks very washed out / overly bright in the day and have tried everything to balance this to no avail.

  • Have many more small / medium issue examples, but honestly with the larger issues i have just mentioned = the smaller ones are inconsequential in the bigger picture. Though i will continue to update this thread with more discoveries / issues only to bring this to the developers attention in the hopes that they will be remedied / fixed.

I am on my 2nd “Clean” Re-install + i have done both a system reset and database rebuild and am seeking for confirmation that i am not alone in this and my fears may very well be affirmed, that the last 2 large updates have fundamentally altered or effected something that is the cause of these massive issues.

Any feedback + comments + shared issues would be appreciated, as i am getting to the point that when i last played 4 months ago, many of these problems were not of issue or at the very minimum they occured very little and now that i have purchased the “Complete Edition” the game honestly runs + performs + looks & feels worst than it ever has and i have only recently experienced this all on a SOLO / off-line capacity, i can only imagine private & public servers :flushed:

I am always an optimist and hope that FUNCOM is more than aware of this and i am sure much more, but please for the love of CROM = patch + fix + update before ANYTHING ELSE, as this current game state makes me sad + miss the state of the game less than 4 months prior & want a refund if this is what CONAN EXILES plays like as of the present & possible future.

Please also know that i do love this game and have spent hundreds of hours with many great people and have had plenty of fun, but whatever has happened on the development end of these updates has dramatically dropped the performance + gameplay & overall enjoy-ability of this once great game :flushed:

I hope there is good news for the future :unamused:
That does not involve suggesting i remove & re-install the game on my end = i have done this numerous times now, this clearly is not the issue :flushed:

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

  1. Simply by playing the game
  2. It is persistent
  3. Even after closing game and restarting.
  4. It remains persistently.
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I can say that I have also experienced these issues, at least the ones up to but not including flying.

When I run across a dead player or in at times just moving around my base, I freeze until the inventory shows up.

I also, get a “muddied” texture on everything until it completes rendering. Sometimes, it takes a full minute or two to do so.


Thanks for sharing your issues, i am really hoping FUNCOM is fully aware and working on fixes, as Conan Exiles currently = is a sad shell of what it use to be and how it performed on my PS4 PRO.

I have done everything possible on my end and can only hope that they release patches / fixes soon, as playing the game in this state is not enjoyable and starting to feel like a regrettable purchase :flushed:

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I am having similar issues playing on my private gportal server along with a couple other private servers. No longer play on official server’s. Problems on coop game also once one actually can get in. A loss of materials. Armor and weapons when removing from Work benches but not from chests. Also from dropping to another player. I am truly hoping for a update patch next week this is SAD.

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I am also having these problems. In addition after a game crash my Conan install was currupted and I was prompted to delete and reinstall. When I attempted this I was told my Playstation pro did not have enough free space. Looking at storage I should have had 700GB+ free on hard drive, but it claimed 115gb was free. I had to format my PS4 to resolve this. After that with a fresh install I was able to play with extreme rubber banding abs delayed responses for one half hour before the game crashed and promoted curruption. Other games play fine o. This console and Conan is running normally on an older model PS4 right next to me.

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Thank you for sharing your findings with us @Rawflux.

As previously requested, could you please also share a short video recording that showcases how the game is performing on your end after all the measures that you’ve taken?

I cam on here searching for a reason as to why my graphics dropped. There’s no real texture definition, despite starting a brand new game. I usually play solo, so when my builds get too crazy, I start fresh. Did so today, but nothing changed. Usually that will clean things up. This clearly seems to be an issue with the updates since I haven’t played for since last dlc updates and my derketo metal bikini was so pretty before. -_-

PS… I noticed the character preview in the inventory screen is also stretched out and cutting off the top of the head and the feet. Please fix these issues.

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Npc characters are either invisible or fall through the map with mine. Maybe that is similar to your no hit zone problem.

I have also been having similar problems to you. I posted about the game freezing when accessing inventory screens. I have posted about the textures dropping sporadically. Croms_faithful put together a long list of issues shortly after the update came in.

At this point I really haven’t been playing any more. I have bought both season passes and 2 copies of the game and it’s disappointing that it doesn’t work any more.

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