It would be nice if we got an update FROM FC as to what this means for all of its games.
Are we going to see more updates for legacy titles? Like AO, AoC, TSW? (because those have stagnated)
Are we NOT going to see updates for legacy titles?
Is FC only going to churn out new products?
Will FC be getting more capital to improve legacy titles? specific titles? new titles only?
It has been a month since the purchase and there is nothing in FC news that gives any sort of insight. Maybe some other news article is out there giving a proper statement but a quick google search yields articles dates September 30th.
So really, whats going on? Is there anything that will impact players (of all titles) in a beneficial way? When are you going to start communicating on the forum better so we can have something tangible to look at and reference?
Use more lube please.