So....uh, is this game dead?

The last update was over 5 months ago, there’s been no news about anything, the last thing that happened was a server purge, and an Exiles-esque Dune game was just announced and no doubt getting top priority.

I’d prefer if the devs were just real with us instead of all this ambiguity…

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They talk about the 3.0 update here.


Your last post was 8 months ago, which means they have a better track record than you do. Are you dead?


Dead not yet but peaked probably.

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Short answer, no, longer answer, no but you should have done more research.


and the palm of the answer of the day is attributed to…

attention suspense


applaud lady and gentlemen… welcome Jimbooooooooo



But actually the last update was just a week or so ago…

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Yes. :no_mouth:

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The last meaningful update that went to the game (as opposed to a teaser or reduction of public servers) was some time ago. But Funcom has kept mentioning something “Big” coming, the biggest yet if this one recalls.
They like playing their cards close to the chest.
Too close in this one’s opinion. There is a difference between teasing and neglecting. When we lean towards the neglect side while simultaneously trimming down the number of available servers… Well, it’s easy to see how assumptions occur.

So, while this one sympathizes with the nature of the displeasure, this one must also note that the game is still being actively developed and sporadically teased. This one just hopes we get new content before the infamous month off.
No, amend that, at least two weeks before the month off so that the borked bits can be addressed before Norway’s annual shut down.




Mea Culpa

How did this one forget fellesferie is Norwegian…

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Is it? I still see people playing.

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It’s an illusion… Your VR headset was updated with a neuro-interface while you slept. You think you’re seeing Conan Exiles running on a flat screen in front of you and you think you are reading the forums - but it’s all a manipulation of your mind and you are ours to toy with evermore!

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I knew it! :slight_smile:

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On the forum itself there is no xbox community. Not since fc ruined ce. Only bug reports are posted. Some get accepted. The player list is a joke, there is just noone there. Instead of trying to fix what is wrong, fc spent time and effort to add a server que mechanic for a platform with a handful of players left active. Just awesome, there goes more players quitting. I used to be an active trader on the server i play. Now, there isnt anyone to trade with…

Not dead yet, but running oit of air…

:beers: :clinking_glasses: :tumbler_glass: :beer: :tropical_drink: :cocktail: :wine_glass: :icecream: :shaved_ice: :ice_cream: :doughnut: :cookie: :birthday: :cake: :cupcake: :pie: :star: :trophy: … and first born :smiley:

I dont see coffee. Fail.




Hello Titter and welcome to the forum. :grin:

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I logged in to my private server yesterday found 6 people from 3 different clans who were only about 2thirds of the way into Exiles. So there may be people leaving but I see new people showing up so it isn’t dead yet. My opinion.