So we can contact you guy for everything but accounting/billing?

Why y’all taking all of this money from your community but don’t have a direct response center for things like the “Conan Coins” system which just stole 50$ from me btw . Still waiting for my coins to show up in my Conan account.


Enough said


They do… Zendesk - Select In-game purchase.
Also note you have PS tags on the thread and there was some issue with coins and playstations, idk if that’s fixed, but might wanna read this first:

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Seriously unfortunate that this is still going on. Like yellow lotus potions all over @Xevyr @Community @Capt_insano0 @ not being a Jerk but this is beyond acceptable.


Seeing this happening all over here, zendesk, reddit, steam forums. Honestly, if this is happening to so many people (me included), and they can’t be bothered to fix it, why the hell are they still selling it?

I don’t know… This type of issue has nothing to do with the forums though, so idk why people keep posting it here :stuck_out_tongue: It’s an individual account level thing… not to mention that it includes monetary transactions… has absolutely no place on a public forum so all the mods / community managers / people here can do is simply direct them to zendesk and hope they get some help there.

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