So when this madness will end?

From a long time now all the Bazaar updates show items I have already.
That is absurd.

We need new items, specially with the old prospect of Battle Pass “easy XP”, then the update that there will be no Battle Pass at all, we gotta have some new stuff more frequently on the Bazaar.

Sure you need to fix the game as the kids say these days, but to those of us not really facing any problems with the game, we cant be kept waiting you convince the whiners that the problem was in their own computers all along.

My game works fine and I want content for it !


Wait, are you saying that you play on a regular basis without the totally game breaking bugs that plague this program?

I mean, how? Granted, I have yet to experience 95% of these bugs myself, but I play on console (containing a 4tB upgrade), so I don’t have the same experience that I just know is out there. I am basing that on the feedback here at the forums, which we all know encompasses a majority of the players.

Could it be that the game does work fine most of the time, and the problems are not being experienced as often as cited? Nope, not possible.


Let me tell you what I see when you say “majority of the players”:

  • People who say the majority of the players PvP
  • People who say it is not the “vast majority” of the players who play in the Exiled Lands ONLY, when ALL official sources show otherwise
  • Nearly less than 1/5th of the number of people concurrently playing this game in Steam alone post in this forum, or any forum
  • Dozens of posts, like your yourself stated, comment on what others say on the token that “if it is happening with you bla bla, but it does not happen to me”

So when you call upon “speak about the majority of players”, I dont know what the hell you talking about.

And no, I dont. I know how to provoke the problems and I can tell you as a fact, it does not always have to do with the game itself.

This is the ONLY problem that happens because something is wrong with the game. While it might seem odd, I am actually an accomplished developer who works for a company doing C++ and VBA programming for a myriad of companies throughout the World, reason why I have lived in many countries, in Asia, more than anywhere, you gotta be really good at what you do otherwise, in the lack of distinctive prowess, they only employ their own.

I can tell you, this problem has a somewhat simple solution, but it requires to redesign the game to solve it. That is the whole problem. Like Dennis said, you have to choose, either you redesign the game, or you fix this problem and cause many others.

What is somewhat “funny” is that yes, you need to redesign the game to solve it and not cause any other issue, BUT, it is not all that complicated. They just need to STOP FREAKING USING STUFF BEFORE VERIFYING STUFF.

As I pointed out in another post, in many places in the code of the game, and you can know that by reading the logs too, the game has many “IsValid” checks, or “IsPlaced”, or “IsServer” in the correct places, but someone in Funcom forgets that if you link something to something else, when you use that something else, it pulls up the first something, and if that is not valid, it does not matter if the second something is. That is all that there is to it.


It definitely wouldn’t be a bad thing to redo the shop to where things are offered at full price and what cycles are bundled deals. IMHO, that would be money in the bank as far as development cost goes. The ones that capitalize on the deals are also marketers on the server as they are promoting products and envy kicks in. The envious client then must make a decision on whether they pay full price or are they willing to wait till it pops up as a deal again.


Simple, have good hardware running the client and the server. Or don’t play on official servers. Or don’t play on crowded servers. Or just play single-player. Or dedicate most of your time to developing mods instead of playing with others.

Or just be lucky.

But however you manage to avoid game-breaking bugs, make sure to totally capitalize on that. You could, for example, enjoy your superiority by calling those who complain about those bugs names like “whiners”. Or you could piggy-back on discussion of those bugs to promote your own mods.

Yeah, I mean it’s not like players whose thralls are falling through the floor matter, as long as the game works fine most of the time :roll_eyes:

See, there’s nothing wrong with asking for more content in the Bazaar. Knock yourselves out. But does it really have to involve ridiculing the people who have serious problems with the game?


You have got to be joking. I really hope that’s supposed to be irony because you should be far to knowledgeable to believe that statement.


Allow me to explain. A majority would mean that more than 50% of the players peruse, or actively participate on the forum. Now, in the last six years, I have met a couple of hundred players in the game. The number of them who have visited, or even are aware of the existence of the forum, is less than 10. Those who comment number at four so far. Three of the players who do know about the forum have said they don’t read it, nor do they care to start.

Plus, while the heavy sarcasm does not always come across, I am on your side here. I just happen to believe that all of these issues that are talked about insessantly on the forums are not always as widespread as they are made to appear. To be blunt, I have serious doubts that some of the people who are aggressively negative have ever had the problems, and are more likely inclined to say they did so they can continue to whine and complain.

Just this week we had a player constantly complaining about falling through foundations. Now, I have had the pleasure on occasion, but not in a while. It just so happened that she complained about it as I was standing behind her about 20 ft away. She was not in the floor, but felt the need to say she was. Why would she do that?

As to the Bazaar, the pricing is wildly inconsistent. I don’t remember what it was, but once there was a bundle where I had everything but one piece, and the one piece was also available as a single item. The reduction of the bundle price for the single piece was 100 coins higher than just buying the piece by itself. How does that make sense?

Why am I bothering to check the “new” items when there are few new items. I would like to be able to look at pages of products that are not subject to an arbitrary time limit, but that’s just me.

And @CodeMage , it’s sarcasm, as I said.


I grown blind to it anymore. I just see it as humans just need to tear something/someone down to make a point anymore.


this is the only part of his post he really wanted anyone to read, in my opinion


I don’t always pick up on it, but this time I did. That’s why I called both of you out for your derogatory remarks towards those who are affected by bugs.

You know how people who complain about bugs will sometimes say that Funcom shouldn’t make any new content until they fix the bugs? And then a lot of us jump in to explain that making new content and fixing bugs aren’t mutually exclusive?

Well, the same logic applies here: it’s perfectly possible to ask for new content without acting like a jerk towards those who want the bugs fixed.

Let me see if I got this straight: you found one person who might have lied about experiencing a bug. It also might have been some desync issue between client and server that left her client in a different state from yours, but let’s go with “she was lying”.

So you found one person who was possibly lying about it, and you felt that it’s perfectly fine to go take a dump on everyone else who complains about bugs?



I agree, but it’s probably best not to go there. After all, you can check that stuff on your own quite easily. Pulling on that particular thread can prove to be enlightening, but not really suitable for public discussion here.


This one thinks they are holding back the new stuff for the new Age…
Which is, perhaps, not the most financially sagacious of decisions.

This one knows many people who are chomping at the bit for the new Argos build set expansion.


Not saying you are lying. But you do know that the client sync is different sometimes for players. Case in point, last night, me and 2 clan mates decided to drum it up around the sinkhole. On my screen we were at the drums. On one of their screens i was not facing the drum and banging air. I saw thru discord shared screen. So client issues can give different visuals. Been known to be harvesting a corpse and my clanmate says the corpse is 4 founds away from me on his screen.


In my experience, Single-Player seems largely unaffected by many of those issues. I’ve seen some thralls sink into foundations, but that was quite some time ago.

I’ve said this before, but I suspect much of the current plague of problems is caused, at least partially, by the crappiness of G-Portal servers, which is something Funcom programmers cannot easily fix. It’s still Funcom’s fault for choosing a terrible hosting service, but it won’t be fixed by insulting their programmers.


This shouldn’t need to be explained to you, but what you see on your screen and what other people see on their screen are often different.

It is a regular, even frequent occurrence, that my friends and I will be doing group activities when one of us will say, “Wow, on my screen I see you floating in the air while your mount is running around the map without you” and then the other player will say, “Weird, I see myself still mounted running along next to you”… and similar occurrences.

There have been many times when I’ve seen tribe mates falling through floors but they say they’re fine, or them complaining about falling through floors while they look normal to me. Same with going through wall, doors that seem to not work, climbing causing strange visuals, and so on.

And these things happen on our private server, which has plenty of computing resources and is never overloaded (we’re a small group that owns our own server, a very robust environment).

Visual de-synchs happen in pretty much every game, but they seem to happen in more often building games like Conan (ARK, Valheim, etc.) much more often than happen in games that are pre-made (like Borderlands).

You didn’t see what she was seeing and experiencing on her screen, in no way does that imply she was lying.

And even if she was lying (which it’s pretty obvious she wasn’t), in no way does that imply that there are a whole bunch of other people lying about how much this problem occurs.

Before you start accusing people of lying, especially for a problem that is a well known bug that happens to a lot of people, try using some thinking and common sense.


Ever see a clanmate running inside of a horse? That’s fun.

Oh and no one sees a double jumper actually double jumping in my experience. It just looks like they jump a little higher and float a bit.


Teleporting golems were the peak quality.


On PlayStation 5 single player doesn’t work properly. Not PlayStation 4, Playstation 5!
If you do the mistake to play some extra hours continously eventually you’ll find your self facing extremely game breaking issues irreversible. So you have 2 options.
Play single player until the game get you to a point and start over again.
Or play online not to have the problems above but a lousy experience of this game!

Anyway, i am happy people don’t suffer from others issues.
I am happy for people who own extra money and want to spend money in their beloved game or fancy gaming pc.

So even if the op is once again rude, i will stay by him.
He is not a bad person, he just wear a mask in here that’s all. People who know internet well, are smarter than me i guess.


FUNCOM this is the by far WORST EVER SEEN thread edit possibilities?
Are you so afraid of frank opinions?
Don’t tell me that ad hominem abusive is not okay – you are after all defending your champions of this particular taste!
If it comes to me, I know no server, which might ever use this @threatpostentity – good-for-nothing mods!
Numbers don’t lie… at least not on a populist level!
If people (most braindead anyway) like some mode, they excite and jazz it up to the sky… but it never happened…

as I said, yesterday was a good day not too many bugs.
I must say that with time we learn to avoid conflict situations
Today I have not tried yet
But maybe, I have badly configured my console which does not allow me to change its configuration.
Oh no! how i’m stupid…my god, I did not cross stick in the right direction…
bref…yesterday my fighters fought well and they were rewarded.
Tomorrow will be another day…
Unless… there was something on the servers…

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