Some fun ideas regarding religion

I was thinking it would be really cool to add a Dagon Religion. It could be picked up at the end of the Sunken City dungeon, like how Jhebbal Sag is learned at the end of the Midnight Grove. There’s so many things relating to the Sleeping God in Conan, so it would be a fun new thing.


Ok @JuniperSelkie I am back. You know I have written lengthy posts on this issue in the past. I am in full agreement with you here, and would like to see Dagon make the transition to a fully fledged in-game religion. To be perfectly honest here I love the religion system in Conan Exiles, for me it is one of biggest hooks as far as this game goes. Some users choose to criticise it, but to me it is literally one of its most cutting edge features. Furthermore, compare it to other open world adventure games, and it borders on revolutionary. I mean take Skyrims for example, what does it offer in comparison? A blessing which cures disease and a short lived buff. The Witchers are little beyond references. Here we have placeables, food, weapons, armor, potions, and the ability to summon the gods themselves to smash our enemies! These frachises would do well to adapt this formula in future titles.

As far as Dagon goes, I genuinely hoped we would gain him as a fully fledged religion. I was honestly kind of surprised that we didnt earn the knowledge of an acolyte by freeing him from his long running torment. I mean lets face it, we did him a serious solid compared to the deeds we did in service of our starting gods. I mean if clearing that Sunken City dungeon, slaying those who offended him and doing his bidding like that isnt enough to gain the nod of approval and earn his favour, then what is…? There is no two ways about it, we have earned the right to worship him. I am all for transforming Dagon into a fully fledged religion in Conan Exiles. :fish: :octopus:

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Not to disagree with the idea here, but to just clarify something I eventually learned about “who” it is we’re freeing from captivity.
It’s not Dagon himself we’re setting free, it’s his emissary.

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Aye. But to me that only strengthens the argument Vahlok. Surely Dagon’s own (non-human) emissary would be even more qualified to teach us the Knowledhe of an Acolyte than some of the human ‘trainers’, a number of whom arent event actual priests. To me if anything, this makes Dagons Emissary over qualified for the job.

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Definitely. I agree with that.
Dagon has been around for quite a while (as an actual deity worshiped by Sumerians and a few others in history).

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