I’ll disagree with you there. A game that is fun and stable is going to get word of mouth, and is the foundation that expansions/sequels are built on. Establishing a track record of quality, in the long term, is going to be more financially beneficial than cranking out feature after feature that turns the game into a fragile house of cards.
Ultimately, the question comes down to whether they have a long-term vision for the game, or they just want to hustle a quick buck. If they took the quality approach, I suspect you’d find a lot more people being willing to fork over for paid content expansions, beyond just cosmetic fluff.
Its both. You have to have bug fixes yes, but you have to have revenue to point to that justifies the continued efforts. All you have to do is look at sales after a patch with no new content (like our consoles just got) vs a dlc release. I agree that a bad reputation for releasing buggy games cant hurt revenue long run, but short term also has to be considered. Thats why there has to be new content AND bug fixes to keep the game going. If Funcom just said “we’re going to focus on bug fixes for awhile”, I’d be afraid the game was about to be moth-balled.
In that screenshot, he has 22K vitality and no armor that gives him vitality bonuses. Give him armor that boosts vitality, and it shoots up to over 26K. And the bearer himself is not Dafari, so I question this thing about it being specifically racial.
Either way. Any T3 thrall which can end up having 15-20K more health than a T4 thrall is broken. Full stop. There is no way that degree of disparity makes any kind of logical sense.
Because those are T4 Exile stats, which are determined by Faction and not race. Last time I checked, mind you that was back when the mounts patch had just released, all T4 Bearers were spawning with those stats which makes them part of the Exile Faction.
That may have been, but honestly I don’t recall. I guess I could fire up single player and spawn a bunch of different T4 bearers. But in any case, my original point. Any T3 bearer, from any faction, should never have 15K more health than any T4 bearer, from any faction. Something is broken.
Perfect, as soon as they put a meaningful damage number on the stats page, I will. Currently all they give us is a number for Strength which allows us to determine a Melee Damage Bonus %, and a Melee Damage Bonus % which allows us to determine the number of Strength points they have. So problem not yet solved.
I dont suspect bearers to have a decent damage no matter what tier. Health would seem to be the only thing that really counts (maybe ag for armor too) so that a random ostrich doesnt leave your belongings all over the desert.
Bearers are not like other thralls, they only differ by tier which seems to be a bit broken since T4 is the worst, but race and faction doesn’t matter, fx all T3 bearers are equal in all stats.
In my opinion a bearer only has 2-3 useful stats worth leveling, vitality, survival and maybe accuracy if you want them to keep distance and use a bow, their melee damage is extremely low and not worth leveling.
Even the biggest businesses worth billions of dollars that have huge QA teams miss things. If not then there would not be millions of zero days available on the black market. Microsoft would not have patch Tuesday, and you would never see an “unhandled exception” error anywhere. It’s a fact of development, there is no possible way to test every single thing possible that may be thrown at the code, just impossible. Clueless oversimplification such as “I could do this in Excel” does not change that fact.
Yesterday my Narr Goatfoot lvl. 18 killed a crock boss and I didn’t help him, just fired healing arrows from time to time to encourage him. SP, all damage rates 1x except friendly fire.
You want the list for things that we think where overseen?
But opening to the community, talking freely about things like bugs and exploits, will greatly benefit the comunity, see the gnu/linux-opensource culture.
I prefer to confront the problems than censor and hide them until fixed. There’s an awesome book from a trans-femminist activist group from either spain or south america called “washing dirty clotches in public” about the issue of facing problems openly and how it greatly empower a community.
That is very true but as one person who works in the QA world I can tell you if my firm missed the simple things missed in this game I would out of a job 100%.
As it has been pointed out many times Funcom is not the biggest business though and its QA team is maybe not big but Test-live has the potential to be a huge help if they used it, I mean used it other then for the 3 or 4 days anything gets seen early on test live. There is a huge QA team right here on the forums who come every day and give examples of problems.
Having a huge QA team is not the problem. Listening to your forums, to your players. Reading your bug reports and DOING something about them. There is a way to keep this crap from happening every single patch. There are tons of examples on these forums alone about the problems if any one from Funcom is paying attention its all right here in one place.
When you see the numbers in excel you wonder and its not clue less over simplification it is their community trying to figure out what the hell happened to this system, asking for answers doing their best to make hide or hair of this broken game at the moment.
@Zeb could you ping on Hugo or someone else from FC? FC responds to you a lot and quite fast, where as I sometimes can wait for days for an official answer…
I don’t disagree, but trying belittling the developers by someone who has no idea how software development works, and expects perfection, that does not add anything to that process.