Sorcerer Journey cant progress

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands

Bug Description:

Cant progress Sorcery Journey. It is stuck at the first one where i have to defeat a sorcerer. No matter how many i kill it doesnt progress. I have tried activating an other journey and then re activating the sorcerer but still doesnt progress and thats for both me and my friend.

Bug Reproduction:

We got the map from a sorcerer and found the cave and got the tome before activating the journey, this might be the cause, but are there any solutions to this?

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It happened to me too. I think I got it when I killed a sorc (and his title was sorc, not medicine man) at the camp next to the dregs entrance, skulker’s end, D4. The mister was doing a ritual and again, his title was sorcerer. I had killed others but I don’t know if they were medicine men or what. After a few tries around the map, I got it there. Try it out. Hopefully it works.

I will try to kill that specific one, i am sure that the ones i have killed so far were sorcerers though.
Thanks for the tip!

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I hope it works!

That may be the cause. Do everything on the journey list only after you have selected the journey. It doesn’t count if you are not on the specific journey when you complete a specific journey’s steps. I have completed all journeys on both maps with 6,400+ hours in the game. I ran into the same issue when I first got started.

So im screwed? Or did you find a solution?

It didn’t work :frowning: ? :sob:

Sorry, just to be clear, which step of the journey are you on?

Did you try doing all of the steps (the ones you did before) over again after restarting the journey?

I am on the very first step, where i have to kill a sorcerer.

:frowning: still nothing? I wish I could help. The journeys are very tricky, some don’t let you fulfill their last steps

Do you have any of the items from before (Dead Sorcerer’s Map, etc.) in your inventory after you have restarted the journey? If so, try beginning the journey without those items in your inventory.