Sorcery still an Idea?

Is sorcery still being looked at for future updates? My priestess of Yog could really fit her theme better with it.
Have it be corruption based ei the more corrupt the stronger your spells are at the detriment of your health and stamina.


I love this idea!


maybe works like arrows/orbs, but require certain build and works w stamina bar instead of ammo. i want “white hand” thrall witches following me around bustin fireworks.

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Way I understand your thought is, spells being flung from fingertips basically, right?
Because that’s always been what they’ve said sorcery won’t be. If sorcery comes, unless they’ve completely changed their idea ofc, they’ve said it will be ritual and curse based, never your typical fantasy thing where you fling fireballs or something at enemies.
So as to keep it more in line with actual conan lore, if I remember right.

Also though about having it be item based. Like stuff crafted at a Firebowl and thrown or used.

True, that’s technically what the orbs are about.
When those came out, they were considered a “Sorcery Delight”, if I remember correctly.

But curses sound fun. Assuming they’d just be debuffs on people. It would be neat to be able to curse land. Even if it’s just with placeables like the strange markers around the Cursed Mound in the Mounds of the Dead. Any non-clan members who enter the area start gaining corruption or get a debuff, and if they find it they can destroy it.

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