South American PS4 server… Eternal Loading issue

Game mode: [Online | Singleplayer]
Problem: [Crash | Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: [south america]

The Game is wonderful , congratulations :slight_smile :slight_smile:


One week, and I still cant play the game!!! We have only 3 south American servers… And ALL of them are bugged… ALL of them with eternal loading problem… We dont have private servers here in SA on PS4 wich is even worse… I cant play, and i am starting to become furious… For god sake… They are ALL with low pop cuz nobody can login… There are only a few that spent 1 hour trying to Join…and with a Lot of luck managed to enter the server… We need to know that this is being solved… We from SA PS4 servers need this asap… Cuz we dont have private servers to run to… Please give us a light…

[Free text]

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

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I have this problem too, but sometimes i can get logged in, keep trying man, iam sure they will fix this too.

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