Spawning in issues on starting testlive client

Can confirm that this issue remains on latest testlive version (again, wasn’t in patch notes, so wasn’t expected to change, just wanted to keep the report thread up to date).

This time I spawned in actually completely buried in a foundation (see screenshot below) - I was able to free myself by hitting jump and move buttons several times to ‘climb’ free, but this issue still concerns me.

As mentioned above, I (and others) have never experienced this issue before and, while it may not be particularly serious in it’s own right, it seems likely that it indicates other performance problems not yet being encountered.

My machine is within the ‘Recommended specs’ for the game and I am concerned that, if I am having problems, those on lower specced machines (closer to the minimum required) may experience significantly worse. Whatever is causing this may also be a serious concern for consoles once these updates reach that stage.

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