Public Test Server-US-PVE-C-Isle of Siptah is starting to show signs of performance degradation. Specifically, my fighter thralls and NPCs are clipping during combat. As well as NPCs are hitting my character even though I am not in melee range of the NPC.
I am assuming this issue is due to the server not being restarted since November 10th.
This behavior was also noted during the 3.0 Testlive when the server was not restarted for weeks. It got to the point the server was unplayable while inside my base.
After being on the US and EU PVE exiles servers I still have odd issues. I’ll start to rubber band, but if I stop walking and wait a few seconds; 10-20, I can move normally again, for a bit. And I know it is nether from being over crowded nor over built. Abandoned thralls all over though.
Edit to add: Nope, still not playable. enemies floating away, teleporting around.
Juat a word of warning, but if i remember they purposely dont reatart daily to stress test and gather data on server performance. Test servers are not only forntesting gameplay, but load as well.
Ya, I had the understanding they would restart when the server crashed. I’ve got a thread running on the EU and US PVE servers being unplayable right now.
There are things I would like to say that would get flagged and pulled, so biting my tongue
When I try to connect to PvE Test Live US server it attempts to connect for several minutes before finally drops connection with the message “connection lost to the server” or I have to do a CTRL ALT DEL to end task the game.
I am getting stuck on the load screen and giving up.
About a week ago the US Testlive server started acting more laggy with a ton of rubber banding. During this time I could still connect to the server. It would load pretty fast in fact. Now it is sadly not playable due to server loading issues and all the rubber banding. Sigh.