Spear comeback on conan

Hello I do this topic for speak about how good spear was and about how good would be if spear come back


Welcome to the Forum @SLinks1. If you look around the Forum some others were posting about spears. Good luck Exile

It was OP. For too long. The nerf was needed.

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The problem is, it was “too good”.
It upset some PvP meta badly with how it combined with the previous rolling thrust.
Unfortunately, in true Funcom fashion, there is no fine tuning, only nerf bludgeoning. Now it’s slow and stupid and Rolling Thrust is largely pointless.

If you are having trouble, this one suggests the mad lumberjack build. It’s all the rage this patch.
Sprinting attack with the great axe, spam as needed.


Is there Conan Exiles Classic available already? :laughing:

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