Spiel stürtzt ständig ab / Fatal error

Hallo zusammen,

ich hab das Spiel jetzt knapp ne Woche und plötzlich stürtzt es ständig ab.

Ich kann starten und meist wenn ich in den Einzelspieler ( will mich erstmal etwas einspielen) gehe, stürtzt das ganze während der Ladephase ab.

Der letzte CrahReport

[2025-01-04 17:05:44.125 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: CrashReporter - CrashGUID:UE4CC-Windows-9122D27E4408F5BDEA9EBA806138BECB_0000

[2025-01-04 17:05:44.125 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: CrashReporter - DebugSymbols:…....\Engine\Intermediate\Symbols

[2025-01-04 17:05:44.660 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: CrashReporter - CrashReporterApplication Started

[2025-01-04 17:05:44.672 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: CrashReporter - Searching for crash reports in ‘I:/Steam/steamapps/common/Conan Exiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Logs/UE4CC-Windows-9122D27E4408F5BDEA9EBA806138BECB_0000’

[2025-01-04 17:05:53.637 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: CrashReporter - Processing crash report entry ‘I:/Steam/steamapps/common/Conan Exiles/ConanSandbox/Saved/Logs/UE4CC-Windows-9122D27E4408F5BDEA9EBA806138BECB_0000’

[2025-01-04 17:05:53.805 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: BugReport - Compressed game.db from 274432 to 9679 bytes)

[2025-01-04 17:05:54.497 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: BugReport - Received a SUCCESS code from the bug report server for the bug 91232F60138320F5C886A7308B42B3A4 with value 1736010352_44820

[2025-01-04 17:05:54.500 #0] [SGID:0; TID:17368] IMPORTANT: CrashReporter - CrashReporterApplication Stopped

Kennt jemand den Fehler, hab schon neuinstalliert………

Spiel läuft über Steam

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Die Dateien habe ich auch schon auf intedrität überprüft und ähnliches was im Netz gefudnen habe an Fehler behebeung, aber bis jetzt nichts geholfen

This is just a log of the crash reporter application that is in the folder \Steam\steamapps\common\Conan Exiles\ConanSandbox\Saved\Logs as seen from mine here:

Inside this folder you have a folder named UE4CC-Windows-9122D27E4408F5BDEA9EBA806138BECB_0000 which contains files pertaining to this particular crash.

Inside this folder you will find several more files such like this screenshot:

This folder will contain a file called UE4Minidump.dmp, this when loaded into Visual Studio looks something like the following:

It has also compressed your game.db file and uploaded it to Funcoms bug report server where they will have the debug symbols to be able to know exactly which part of the game code crashed.

The only thing that we as players can go on is the ConanSandbox.log that is contained within the folder as this can shed some light as to where the game is crashing in the sense of the loading order of the seperate parts of the game.

The first thing you really need to look at is the ConanSandbox.log as this may offer an insight into what is actually happening to make your game crash.

[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 3662.53 MB used, 3662.66 MB peak
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 5124.40 MB used, 5125.30 MB peak
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 9860.87 MB used, 6503.75 MB free, 16364.62 MB total
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 10955.34 MB used, 6503.75 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogWindows:Error: === Critical error: ===
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogWindows:Error: Fatal error!
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000010
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:898][603]LogWindows:Error: !0x0000000000000000
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:941][603]LogExit: Executing StaticShutdownAfterError
[2025.01.05-15.08.00:180][603]LogWindows: FPlatformMisc::RequestExit(1)
[2025.01.05-15.08.00:180][603]Log file closed, 01/05/25 16:08:00

The meory allocation is made within the first minute of the logfile being generated, this is mine from a ganme just now
[2025.01.05-17.13.57:921][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=23.8GB (24GB approx)
[2025.01.05-17.13.57:921][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
[2025.01.05-17.13.57:921][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 291.83 MB used, 291.83 MB peak
[2025.01.05-17.13.57:921][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 377.55 MB used, 377.55 MB peak
[2025.01.05-17.13.57:921][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 6850.94 MB used, 17562.58 MB free, 24413.52 MB total
[2025.01.05-17.13.57:921][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 5872.91 MB used, 17562.58 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total

The following is from another players log file:

[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Memory total: Physical=15.9GB (16GB approx)
[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Platform Memory Stats for WindowsNoEditor
[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 278.36 MB used, 278.36 MB peak
[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 361.40 MB used, 361.40 MB peak
[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Physical Memory: 8748.00 MB used, 7573.61 MB free, 16321.61 MB total
[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Virtual Memory: 5844.03 MB used, 7573.61 MB free, 134217728.00 MB total

What stands out to start is the [603] that is within your logfile, all of the logs I have checked have [0] here.

The second thing that stands out is here in these lines:

[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 3662.53 MB used, 3662.66 MB peak
[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 5124.40 MB used, 5125.30 MB peak

And the same lines for the other user who also has 16GB of memory:

[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Process Physical Memory: 278.36 MB used, 278.36 MB peak
[2023.08.15-19.56.57:725][ 0]LogMemory: Process Virtual Memory: 361.40 MB used, 361.40 MB peak

From your log file the game seems to be generating alot of physical memory and virtual memory compared to the other log which also had 16GB of memory and my logfile where I have 24GB of memory.

Also your crash happened right after the memory was being allocated and from this line within your log file ,

[2025.01.05-15.07.59:897][603]LogWindows:Error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000010

Means that the exception was not handled, meaning there was no code within the game to handle this type of error.

The type of error Exception_Access_Violation means The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access according to microsoft

The address it was trying to read or write to is address 0x00000010.

For me this error is something to do with the way the game for you is allocating alot of memory compared to all other logs I have seen and been sent.

If you want to test your memory you can download a free industry standard memory tester here MemTest86 - Download now!

Whilst I am not stating it is your physical memory it will not do any harm for yourself to rule this out.

There have been multiple logfiles with the exception_access_violation that I have seen and have had myself and whist the message is the same the cause is not.

MIr ist aufgefallen das der Crash immer während dem Kampf eines Thralls gegen einen GEgner kommt

Also ich hab jetzt mal ausprobiert, das Spiel stürtzt immer ab wenn ich oder ein Trahl kämpfen

At least you are being able to narrow this down now, to when you or your thrall fights.

Have you filed a bug report, if not I would suggest you do this and include the additional information that you have found regarding it happens when eithewr you or your thrall fight.

We do not have access to the source code so for us it is almost impossible to state where in the code this is happening.