Active players remove bracelet tens of times a day, and no one ever want to delete their character! Never! 2 of my teammates already deleted their chars by accident. Both options look alike and act the same - click and Ok. Every time I want to remove bracelet I feel uncomfortable and nervous - I’m really tired of this. Who’s the heck idea was to do it like this? - it’s just super crazy. I beg you, either move characted deletion somewhere far away deep in the menus or simply ask player to input few digits as a pin code for this action, because loosing character by accident is super painful!
I completely agree they need to be separated. I’ve almost recreated my character so many times and know people that have accidentally done it… During a raid no less - talk about pressure.
But I will add that there is some utility to recreating, or effectively, deleting your character and I have done so on several occasions.
lol I’m actually for keeping the UI the way it is until Funcom patches a certain exploit that involves rate limiting your network connection to the server and pulling your bracelet really fast. It’s very satisfying seeing cheaters fail and delete their lvl 60 characters over and over trying to do an exploit to get things under the mesh. Lol
If there is players doing this, then there needs to be a heftier death penalty associated with pulling bracelet.
Good idea.
Because its meant to get out a situation as a last resort, not a poor man’s teleport.
A naked bomber after his bombing removes bracelet to go faster to the outpost and gain more supplies. Other than that, it’s safer to do it this way because there’s a chance to follow you and see where the outpost is hidden.
So remove bracelet is used A LOT.
Yes the pressure can become really big sometimes and you spam buttons without see what you’re actually doing.
Not to mention that maybe you’re playing for several straight hours and your brains have become marshmallow .
To fast travel from main base to outpost or to recall body with magic after finished farming or whatever other reason. Sorry, dude, but your question looks really stupid to me.
And your initial request looks the same to me. I don’t think you want to go down the personal attack road.
An interesting point. Where is this intention described? I must have missed that tooltip or patch note or devstream or whatever.
I only use remove bracelet when im stuck- lately in foundations. And im sure of what im clicking.
When the server has 20 + people ill click and then wait making sure the action is where i want to be.
10 times a day- HAHA! NO thanks!
I noticed that in Siptah. Not only got magnetized and stuck on foundations but my horse and thrall too. On exile lands i have this problem to spawn inside my foundations on log in but i look up and exit the nasty situation.
On pve i remove bracelet systematically when i start new character for two reasons.
- Pvp flag to teleport back to my base.
- I need human flesh for blood so i sacrifice my self, lol.
Guys, all ppl have different style of gameplay, one PVE player may never use remove bracelet (until he is stuck), while another active PVP clan member may do it tens of times a day when they farm, transport loot, suicide-bombing or spamming corpses to prevent opponent from rebuilding destroyed blocks. I’ve played thousands of hours on PVP servers and I know what I’m talking about. Existing problem with GUI - is a fact. Just knowing that u can accidentally delete your char makes you nervous and spoils game experience. So what are we arguing about? Instead of just supporting this report you guys started arguing about how many time a day you (personally you) need to remove bracelet. Oh my god
And even if there was no “Remove bracelet” feature in this game, protecting character deletion with user input and not simply with confirmation dialog is a bestpractice in game design. It’s such an easy fix that I really don’t get how it’s not fixed yet.
It’s not fixed because devs don’t care what players want and don’t listen to even the most reasonable feedbak.
I agree with you and always feel need to be cautious. Its uncomfortable.
Thank you. This is the best reply yet.
We shouldn’t be so concerned about others’ play styles.
I’ve played this game off and on since 2019 and I’ve never removed my bracelet. o.O
Yes, I always have my own Gportal server so on the few times I’ve gotten stuck somewhere I’ve just used ‘ghost’ to get out, so the concept seems so foreign to me.
Then again, aside from friendly dules in flagged areas, I’ve never wasted my time on PvP… so I guess it’s more of an issue for those players.
Perhaps a 30 minute debuff preventing the removing of a bracelet again if you did so after recently being in combat? I imaging that would help with the spamming/exploitive nature of the system.
I think you both have a point though…
I agree that it’s not the best that those two options look so similar (both start with R and work in the same way) and they’re right next to each-other… and yes, recreating the character could have you type in the name of the character for example, like a lot of other games do if you want to delete them.
However… I also think @Taemien has a very valid point in this… If the system allows for a suicide mechanic to be abused to this degree, then that should probably also be addressed some way.
Perhaps something like a stacking half an hour “weakened” debuff as a penalty that reduces your max HP / damage proportionally would be appropriate or some similar effect…
The idea would be to still allow the remove bracelet to be used in an unhindered way if you’re stuck, but discourage constant abusive spamming of it.
What you described FYI is a straight up exploit and would most likely result in a ban if reported with evidence so probably not something you want to advertise (using the feature to spam corpses to “landclaim” and block enemies building)
I can guarantee that when this feature was implemented, this was definitely not the intended use.
That’s a separate issue though, for this one it should definitely be harder to delete the character.
No matter if we agree or disagree in what you ask to be done, arguments must exist. It’s a reason for conversation and mutual understanding. The similar issue that pve community has brought some times in here was the “follow me- break bonds”. It happened to console players mostly, after several hours of gaming, or lack of attention for multiple reasons to delete lvl 20 followers.
The truth in both actions is one.
That playing “healthy” is very difficult to do these mistakes.
But gaming easily breaks the boundaries of playing “healthy” and a chain of mistakes may follow to ruin your day and in cases you whole month too.
Although i never unintentionally recreate character, neither unintentionally break bonds with followers, i found my self multiple times to the doorstep of doing it. No matter how tired i was, the warning message exists, so i avoided the nusty situation. Yet too many of my friends have done this mistake in the past and that’s something that definitely needs consideration from devs.