Staff unresponsive to mouse click, can't cast spells

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NEW Bug Report Template

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NEW Bug Report Template

Conan ExilesPC DiscussionPC Bug Reports


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Sep '22

Bug Reporting Template

We’re testing out a new forum component that allows for drop down menus and forms. While this is not a perfect solution for bug report forms, the goal is to make bug reporting easier and smoother.

This is far from a final version and is subject to change or even be scrapped. Thank you!

Once you fill out the form, the information prints in a box at the bottom of this post. Please scroll down so you can copy and paste for your own bug report.

Basic Info

Please fill out the following:

PLATFORMSelect your platform

ISSUE TYPESelect issue type

GAME MODESelect game mode

SERVER TYPESelect server type

MAPSelect map

SERVER NAMEEnter server number or name (Type ‘none’ otherwise)

MODSEnter all mods used, if any (Type ‘none’ otherwise)

Bug Description:

BUG DESCRIPTIONDescribe the issue. Please be thorough.

Bug Reproduction:

BUG REPROPlease describe the steps you took to cause this bug to happen.

Finishing your report!

The information you filled out should now be listed below. :point_down:
Please copy this info and paste it into a new report. Thank you!

Create New Report

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Ghost gaming
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Spells cannot be casted or can’t even bring up the rocks to cast. I can attack with the staff (crtl) with the basic staff. I can still use magic at the magic circle like return corpses. This happen after the server had went through a wipe but only wiped inventory and building. We kept our characters as is. I still have all my knowledge.

Bug Reproduction:

Can’t say I know what it caused but we assuming after a wipe that didn’t wiped characters

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