Square stages fit without issue next to straight aesir fence, but the round stages dont fit behind curved aesir walls, despite having less physical contact than the straight versions. I’m trying to elevate bonfires on the top of my wall so they’re visible from the other side, but this frustrating placement issue is preventing that
Can you provide a screenshot of what this looks like?
I don’t know what I can show with a screenshot, the second piece won’t even try to snap into place, whether I do wall first and then try to place the stage or vise versa. Although I guess seeing the layout might clarify what I’m trying to convey:
This might be obvious, but the bonfire was not in the way when I was trying, and I tried wall then stage, and stage then wall; either way the second piece wouldn’t even snap the ghost in place.
Thanks! I don’t have any BLB items so I had a hard time visualizing what you meant.
Just to clarify further, are you trying to place stage pieces here?
yeah that’s right, frustratingly though, they don’t seem to be allowed to be in the same place, I’m assuming they must share snap points or something. I’m hoping they’ll change that
Could be. Building pieces in general have issues with consistency. Might be the hitbox too.
Are you able to place a straight fence on the rounded part and then replace with with a rounded fence?
I seem to recall straight pieces will only snap to the concave curved walls, not the convex, I’ll try and let you know
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