I’m on an Xbox and I’m trying to start a purge in single player. Does anyone know how to do this on console?
Once you press the start button, theres a purge meter underneath your character. Once it fills to the line the purge will start. Can mess around in the server settings if your the admin or host
Is there anyway to command it instantly with the admin panel?
Like i said if the host or admin, look into the settings in server settings and go down to purge tab and go to the purge trigger value. Mess around with around with it.
Spawn in a Convergence Trap via admin and the fuel to power it.,That’ll sort your Purge out for you
I spawned a convergence trap, then enabled learn all recipes, spawned unstable ???, and started up the machine. It took my meter about halfway past the 75% mark. The convergence machine says it’s still in use. There is still no purge yet. Does it have to go all the way to the end? It’s been a while since I triggered a purge.
Usually takes a few minutes to trigger via a trap. As long as the bar is purple, you should be okay
IDK I’ve been playing for over an hour and I’ve not gotten purged yet. I set my purge meter trigger value to 5,000, set my purge meter update interval to 1 minute. I’ve been removing my bracelet, killing NPCs, and building sandstone foundations repeatedly.
Either try demolishing the original trap and spawn in another or set your server to default purge settings and spawn the trap in after default purge settings are live
Hmmm it will not let me interact with or destroy the trap?
Exit your game to the dashboard. Then load up Conan Exiles again
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