Like the title says:
Steel Pickaxes do not gather Brimstone, at least not any in the “Executioners Entrance”
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Make Pickaxe
Go to Executioners Entrance
Mine Brimstone
Get annoyed that you made a trip for nothing.
Like the title says:
Steel Pickaxes do not gather Brimstone, at least not any in the “Executioners Entrance”
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Make Pickaxe
Go to Executioners Entrance
Mine Brimstone
Get annoyed that you made a trip for nothing.
Getting same problem,cant mine underwater brimstone
Star Metal does not gather anything either. Was trying to get it from the Shattered Springs and made a stone pick to test if it’s broken completely, but the stone pick worked lol
Star Metal pick works perfectly fine for me, but as far as I know the Pickaxe doesn’t gather brimstone for anyone.
It’s very strange if the star metal pick doesn’t harvest brimstone for you, I’ve never seen anyone else mention that.
SM works great to me with the tool upgrade kit ofc.
And yeah pickaxe doesn’t gather a bunch of things it should as an axe or a pick… Like NO heads at all from animals. except dragon but that one has been gotten even with a skinning knife