STILL A HACKER IN 1312, disabling farming, pvp and pv-npc

Game mode: [Online official]
Type of issue: [Bug or Exploit/Hack]
Server type: [PvP]
Region: [EU]

Today two new players suddenly appeared on official server 1312 with low level characters killing everyone in pvp with, apparently, some hack, and they have no name in the character list and in the chat (refer to attached screenshots)

Just log in the server and check players when they are online

Raymond Reddington is back xD

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And hes not only back, he is even proud of it, saying that he found a way to avoid the ban

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Thank you for the report. We will investigate this.

The guy is back again Raimond Reddington… so it was banned? Hes in 1312 now ruining the game again

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I did mention Raymond Redington in the other post but he was not in my video, apparently he’s turned pvp off again in 1312…

He is indeed turning off pvp and damage to structures, including farming. After the ban of the other 3 players, he has been all afternoon and evening loggin in server 1312, doing his hacking, disabling pvp, pv-npc, and farming, and logging out, he did it 4 times during this afternoon and evening. He’s so proud of it and he’s saying he will continue… refer to screenshot


i love the bottom response in chat hahaha, raymond if you are reading this the ban will be fun for you to lie about the ban removals hahah. cya raymond

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i also inboxed @Jens_Erik with raymonds steam id :slight_smile:

We have someone looking into this. Thank you for the report.

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me when those guys got banned yesterday

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wtf is this ?

It`s the same user who made an account called Lordofdarkness who posted something about their hack a day or two ago that was so called “able to crash the server” or so they claimed.

I just want to ask you… Why u do this ? Whats the point to ruin someone game ?


A chance to feel superior, when your life is a fail, is nothing to sneeze at for anyone, cheaters included

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