Very Simple to notice but the stormglass Glass floor piece allows for rain inside your base… Please fix
It does. The reason is likely the way rain is canceled. It is canceled by a 2d image taken from above and glass on the ceiling lets the image thru, which is what makes it desirable in the first place. To first order, a fix would be to make it opaque, which would defeat the purpose of having glass ceilings (there are already opaque pieces). It would be nice if there was a way around it, but at the moment there isn’t and it’s been a “feature” of stormglass since rain indoors canceling was instituted. Fixing this would mean a complete redo of how rain is canceled and is likely either not feasible for one build set, or runs into performance concerns on consoles (I can think of a couple hacks to do it, but they would be a mess for performance).
Funcom need to hire better roofers.
Oh lol - don’t need to buy the bath set then!
Value added free showers with stormglass!
But now we need an umbrella item!
Yes it does. Seems like exbitonist and voyeurs need a good wash down. Could have sworn yesterday there was 3 ceiling tiles options in Stormglass. Could be I’m not leveled enough in current game.
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